Chapter 35

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"I am glad that you offered me such a great idea Kevin. Now it is like I am not continuing what my parents are doing I have started something different under a same brand name." I said to Kevin appreciating his smart decision.

Kevin was also one of my friends. During my college days, I worked with him during several competitions and fests and saw how smart he was. So I knew if I had to get some good idea like this, it will be from him only.

"I have to head back to my country now." He said.

"Kevin, why don't we work together on this?" I asked.

"I love my job Ana. But if you want anything, I am just a call away." He said smiling.

"Okay. Jidy, Vinn, Ridy and Avis are with me. We all are working together" I said.

"Good." He said.

He won't change his mind!

"Fine. I will walk you out." I said and we both got up.

We bade our goodbyes.

I was making plan for the development of the business.

Suddenly, Su got me the bouquet of red roses.

Gosh! Not again! Vance should stop doing this.

He sends flowers every day with a note of how he felt guilty and bad. From past few days he even mentioned that he realized that he really did fall in love with me which gave me goosebumps and I deliberately avoided it.

I didn't care at all.

But I used to read his notes every day.

Wow Ana,

I hope you read my notes before discarding those flowers. I just want to remind you for the hundredth time that I love you.
I can't explain how proud I am seeing you in those news channels when you were addressing such huge gathering. And yeah, you look pretty as always. But don't stress out too much. All the best!

Your Vance.

I sighed.

I hate you and I always will!

"I will send you two of my employees. They are very good with the marketing strategies." My mom said.

"Okay Mom." I said and cut the call.

I had my separate office room in the same building but it was small. . Jidy, Vinn, Ridy and Avis were also seated in the same room.

Within sometime, the two employees sent by Mom were in front of me for the discussion.

"We cannot go for high-fi models as our budget is limited." Mason said.

Mason was tall, dark and a handsome man.

"Probably we can approach the beauty bloggers and ask them to try the samples and post the results in their blogs which their followers would read." Vicky said.

Vicky looked like one of those dedicated guys who oozed out of confidence and screamed talent.

They both were best friends since childhood.

At least, that's what they told.

"I would like to go with the idea of bloggers. If they can associate themselves to the ROSE Brand, it can improve their sources and will also help them get more followers and hence more promotion to our brand." I said.

Mason gave a very wide smile.

I knew he enjoyed the idea of searching of some beautiful bloggers.

Vicky on the other hand, gave a warm smile showing the gratitude.

"And Mason, no hanky panky!" I said eyeing him

"Oh I am a very decent guy Madam!" he said stating it as if it was a matter of the fact.

'Call me Ana." I said and smiled back at him.

Later that evening, I played badminton with both Vicky and Mason in a park.

Vicky was an excellent badminton player. But when Mason's turn came, the fun of the game began.

I started taunting him so much for every shot he played. It was fun to pull Mason's leg for no apparent reason.

At last, the shuttle cock got stuck in the tree leaves because of Mason's shot and we all laughed uncontrollably.

Finally, I made two more friends, Mason and Jidy.

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