Chapter 38

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"I didn't want to kill him. But then, he didn't leave me with any option, if he revealed about us, we both would have been suspended. My mom who is a renowned professor, would have held her head in shame. More than me, I was worried about my mom and her reputation. So, I had to remove him from my way." He said in a sad tone.

"I would have given you all the money you wanted you Bastard! You tried to show your power on such innocent and a helpless man! My brother was mentally a strong guy. Even if he died, he still won! Look where you are now." Vance said and walked away fighting back tears.

I had no idea why, but I wanted to comfort him.

I walked outside saw him sitting on a pavement beside the road which was right outside the office. He held his head between his hands.

I sat beside him. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes.

In an instant he hugged me. I didn't have time to react.

We didn't move or we didn't say anything. We just stayed like that for god knows how long and it was quite a scene for the by passers but I didn't mind.

Even I couldn't stop sobbing as I really missed Joye and I never knew that someone was so capable of loving someone.

I hugged back Vance.

I had no idea why my heart broke seeing him this way but all I wanted to do right now was to never let him go. I didn't want this warm embrace to end. We were in such a vulnerable state!

After sometime, he moved away from me and looked into my eyes.

"Even you are crying for my brother." He said brushing away my tears.

"If only I would have opened the door that night, he would have been alive today." I said in between my sobs.

"It's not your fault. You would have freaked out. I knew my brother was a persistent guy." He said giving me a dry smile.

"But that night is still fresh in my mind Vance." I said.

"I know you miss my brother. He was in all awe of you. Whenever, he used to meet me he used to talk only about you. He told me that you were a good friend. But when CBI suspected you I couldn't think of anyone else but you because he was hardly close to anyone else. He never told me about the question papers." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

I didn't know what to say that time so I remained quiet.

"I am sorry Ana. Please forgive me." He said by holding both my palms.

I felt bad for him. He lost his younger brother.

"Okay Vance, I forgive you." I said and smiled a bit.

"Thank you!" he exclaimed and hugged me again.

"I shall get going." I said and stood up after breaking the hug.

He held my hand and I looked back at him.

"I love you Ana. I never knew how but you managed to squeeze your way into my heart. But I really love you. It was just that, I was blinded with fury and vengeance. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock and start everything once again." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"I am sorry Vance. I understand that you have your own reasons. But what you did was absolutely wrong. I cannot have you back in my life. You broke my trust and you can't earn it back." I said and felt my chest tightened.

He slowly let go off my hand and stood.

"I will earn it if I want it and nothing in the word can stop me. Not even you." He said and walked away.

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