Chapter 12

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Drew finally sat down in the middle of the feild and patted the spot next to him for me to sit

" this is where my mom died" he said " she was attacked by roug- murders" he said

i nodded my head, he probably thought i was crazy but i kinda understood, mine were attacked by werewolves.

When i was younger that stuff was all a fantasy but when I realized how werewolves were real and how they hurt innocent people my view on them changed.

I think my mom heard of them, since she always told us to hide in the attic if any thing happened. Although, she did mention some wolves that were lone, or like a clan of them.

" Rouges?" I asked him as his eyes met mine

" Yea how'd you-"
" I dont know it just came to me " I quickly lied hoping that he thought i was some sort of mind reader.

I realized he was staring at me so i turned to face him. He slowly leaned in cupping my face with his hands.

" Can i kiss you?" he said barley above a whisper before I could respond i felt his lips crash into mine.

Drew drove us home having our hands interlaced the whole time. Once we got to the door snow was there with coles arm draped around her shoulder.

" We've been looking everywhere for you two!" Snow said devouring me in a hug.

All of a sudden snows facial expressions changed so did coles and drews.

" To the shelter" cole said after kissing snow.

" Madlynn!" Snow yelled shortly after a little girl came bouncing down the stairs with short blonde hair.

" Mommy look! I got a flower"
"Alright lynn come with me" she picked her up and grabbed my hand as we ran outside.
There were wolves everywhere.
" AMBER COME ON" snow yelled through all the commotion. All of a sudden i saw a little girl with her parents she had brown hair and her parents were being cornered by wolves

" Ill catch up!" I yelled to her as i let go of her arm.
Once i turned the parents were all being devoured as the bodys lay dead on the ground leaving the little girl who looked to be about 3 to be left standing there. All the wolves started to leave as one stayed behind to finish her off.
i quickly ran over there and put myself protectively in front of her as she gripped onto my leg.

She looked around realizing that her parents were lying on the ground blood surrounding them.

"Move" the wolf growled as he eyed me and the girl.

I looked at him quixotically i didnt have time to realize that the wolf was speaking until he launched himself at me.

I quickly ducked avoiding his attack as he landed he came full on charging at me. I quickly punched him which sent him flying back.

I knew i couldnt use any of my powers or else they'd know that my kind still exists.

I quickly looked around and saw the little girl look up at me

" Hold on to my leg tightly darling" i said while offering her a smile
I moved my hands moving the wind and wiping the wolf into each tree before he died.

The girl quickly ran to her mother who was barley breathing.

"Madison..... Madison...listen to this lady she'll keep you safe" her mother breathed out
" Please take care of her for me..." the mom turned and said before the life left her body.

I quickly grabbed the girl who i now know was named madison and ran towards the shelter.

I opened the door with my power not even caring as a wolf came towards us and shut it with my hands as i set madison on the ground.

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