Chapter 21

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'WHATS 9+10'

'21' ( you can all kill me now)



We finished up eating the little picnic that drew set up, there was  literally any type of food you could name, or any type of food for those stereotypical romantic picnics; you know like sandwiches, chocolate strawberries and lemonade. 

As Drew packed everything up and refused to let me help we started to head back

" those chocolate strawberries were heaven" i stated as we walked back to the house as drew chuckled. 

" well that's good" he smirked and gave me a side look

" there's some more in the fridge" he finished watching me from the side of his eye. i literally jumped up and down and started to sprint with Drew chasing behind me. 

As soon as we made it to the front door drew slammed into me as i hit the door, causing it to vibrate on impact.

" Oh my god, Amber are you OK?"  Drew asked frantically turning me around and scanning me everywhere to make sure that i was OK.

i tried my best not to giggle since i wasn't all

" No my head is like....." i started putting my hand to my head 

" Amber im so sorry! what can i do to help ease the pain?" he asked pacing while mumering about 'how stupid' he was.

" get me some chocolate strawberries" i said removing my hand from my head and smiling like a child who woke up on Christmas morning.

He looked at me and sent me death glares

"Amberrr" Drew said drawing out my name

" you got me so worried! how could you do that to me? oh my gos-"

i interrupted him when i ran up and jumped on him, i wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. He immediately responded by  wrapping his arms under my knees and kissed me back almost immediately.

"Now can i get some chocolate strawberries?" i asked him when we broke apart.

" sure" he smirked and gave me a peck on the lips before lowering me down on the ground. He grabbed my hand and entered through the door. I quickly ran past the kitchen once i rounded the corner i stopped short.

I looked in the kitchen and saw the girl - that beat me up yesterday standing there eating my chocolate strawberries.

"Hi Amber" she seethed as she tried to save her evilness when Drew walked into the room.

" hey Drew!" she said almost jumping up and started to bat her eyelashes that had way to much mascara.

"Sandy" Drew said nodding towards her as his eyes traveled down to the empty container on the counter. his eyes started to flash in anger as he stalked toward her and she started to twirl her hair with her finger as she bit on her lip trying to look 'sexy' and it honestly bothered me.

He stalked towards her till he was extremely close to her, so close that she was using her to fingers to walk up and down his chest.

he grabbed her hand and stopped her as she looked up at him in confusion.

" Sandy you ate all of my chocolate strawberries"  he said in a completely mono-tone voice 

" i thought you were going to give it to me - your girlfriend" she said glaring daggers at me 

" yes i was going to give them to my girlfriend, but that's not you, and it will never be you" he said by letting go of her hand and coming towards me.

" get it through your head that this is my girlfriend. and she is much better than you will ever be, I feel really bad for your mate since your just a power seeker, don't hurt her anymore, if i figure out that you beat her up agian there will be punishments. and i know it was you because of the looks your giving her so Stay. Away. From. Her" he finished.

At that point i didn't care that he called me his girlfriend, even though we weren't technically dating but i let it pass since that probably was the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me. 

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