Chapter 46

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Ah Li had studied his target, watch him eat and at times pretend to sleep as he fished for innocent fish to devoured. His target had no discernable weakness, he did everything in moderation and concealed himself under shadows od deception. He was also all powerful and the first Heavenly Lord, but Ah Li was up to the challenge for he too would become Heavenly Lord after his father. Looking at his breakfast, he ate in small bites and looked over his target who was picking at his meal and then watching what Ah Li had determined to be his one weakness feed his baby sister, Sister Feng Jiu.

"Grandfather Donghua." Ah Li called out and was answered with a grunt from ice face emperor. "Will I be allowed to go with Sister Feng Jiu and Xinyi by the Miao Hou waterfall and then later to see the play put together by the Imperial Theater?"

"Yes." Donghua said shortly and drank tea as he stared at Feng Jiu fussing over Xinyi who was pitting out her food and trying to turn into a fox.

"Grandfather Donghua." Ah Li called out once again as he ate his rice.

Donghua grunted once more as he persisted in the unsavoury tasked of having to feed himself. Picking up his chopstick, he picked at the stir fry vegetables and looked up to see Feng Jiu looking at him disapprovingly, caving he placed a small bite into his mouth and ate.

"Will I be allowed to go out to the water lily ponds with Sister Feng Jiu today?" Ah Li asked hoping to divert Donghua's attention and get an answer.

"Yes." Donghua said with no inflection in his voice.

"Grandfather Donghua is the best in the Universe." Ah Li said brightly with a smile on his face.

Donghua tried to smile at the little boy but it came out as a sneer before he looked back at Feng Jiu. She looked back at him sideways, the wedding breakfast banquet would be held later in the morning however Feng Jiu still had time to go to the water lily ponds and watch the flowers bloom.

"I will put Xinyi to sleep." Feng Jiu said rocking her baby cousin in her arms and whistling a sleeping enchantment. "Later, we will go take a look at the blooming celestial flowers in the water ponds Ah Li."

Ah Li watched Feng Jiu stand up and walk away with Xinyi soundly asleep in her arms, his baby sister had slept little the night before and had kept him up all night. However, despite the lack of sleep, his mind was still sharp, and he wanted the peach puff with custard Feng Jiu had made this morning.

"Grandfather Donghua and Sister Feng Jiu are the best couple in the Universe." Ah Li declared with all the certainty his baby voice could muster.

Donghua looked up from his food with a small smile on his face, please at the little boy's words. "You are a very smart boy. Being Heavenly Lord will come easily to you."

Ah Li pumped his fist in the air in his head but kept his composure, he had stroke gold. "It is obvious to all and sundry that Grandfather Donghua and Sister Feng Jiu are in love."

Donghua nodded and placed his chin in his hand, turning his eyes to Ah Li and abandoning his food. "Yes, but they are some that want to take her away from me."

"Atrocious." Ah Li said in outrage. "Grandfather Donghua and Sister Feng Jiu are to stay together for all eternity."

"Perhaps, you can help me." Donghua said slowly sitting up and pointing at Ah Li with a finger. "In return, you can have the peach, custard puff Feng Jiu made this morning."

"Anything to keep Sister Feng Jiu married to Grandfather Donghua for all eternity." Ah Li agree at once thinking of the peach puffs.

Donghua smiled genuinely and said. "Well, there is this bird brain boy, his name is Cang'Ye Shenjun...."

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