Chapter 55

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Author's note: I hope everyone Is actively enjoying the action in these last few chapters. I will be writing many such scenes in the future. I promise, that after this action-packed chapter, we will delve into the relationship plot. In this chapter, DongFeng reunite. Miao Lou is a foul beast and Monster!Donghua makes a very public appearance.

Rated: 18+ for violence, language, blood and gore.


Donghua sat in the lotus position in the magical circle he had drawn with chalk in the courtyard of Shaoyang Manor in Bihai Cangling. Slowly, he inhaled and exhaled, seeking to calm his mind and body. He had mixed his blood with Feng Jiu, her powers augmented his own and had brought to him back vitality that had been missing in the last few thousand years as he grew ready to fall into an eternal sleep. He followed the thread of magic that bound them together, hoping to find her through their mental bond but found only static on the other side. Feng Jiu was clinging to life somewhere; he could feel she had been hurt and knew Deliang was sadistic in her anger.

Xi Fang and his mate, Jia Li, waited around him in their tiger shape, ready to track Feng Jiu's magic if he failed in locating her through their bond. Donghua felt panic settling in his chest; although their mental bond was blocked, he still managed to track her through their blood to Baishui Mountain. That place was cursed; the practice of dark magic had opened up various interdimensional portals to underground areas where monsters bred.

This was a punishment from the Heavens, Donghua thought as he came out of meditation and placed his face on his hands. His adoptive mother had raged at him, but in the end, she had informed him that she had paid the price for a fragile fate to form for them and had shown him her missing right hand.

Donghua rose to his feet, and white light encased him as he called forth his armour and walked off with Xi Fang and Jia Li towards the Demon Realm. Arriving at Baishui Mountain undetected was easy enough; he had snuck in and out of the Demon Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, but passing through the dark portals was another matter entirely. Donghua went through hundreds of portals, the Cang He slicing through deformed creatures that wanted to drink his blood until he finally arrived at a place that was the sister universe of the one he was Master.

"This place smells familiar, but it is not our home." Xi Fang said as he sniffed the ground, him and his mate where covered in blood.

"I have been to this place many millions of years ago before I met the Eternal Mother." Donghua said as he looked about.

"There must be a version of Master and his mate here somewhere then." Jia Li said.

Donghua shook his head. "In this Universe, Miao Lou's shadow kill me in battle and Meifeng was beheaded, stopping the possibility for Feng Jiu's birth."

"How would Master know this?" Jia Li asked.

"The Ancient Library at the bottom of the Holy Blue Sea keeps records on sister universes," Donghua answered before he suddenly felt the whisper of Feng Jiu's presence. "My wife is here somewhere. " He said, and the tigers grew still, listening for sounds around them, but there was nothing.

"Why did you....?" Feng Jiu's voice whispered in his ear. "It was not... wanted?" The static in their mental bond was waning; she was closer than before.

Donghua saw Baishui Mountain in the distance and sense the foul presence of Deliang. Feng Jiu was most likely with her, and if not, then Deliang would know where she was. He would pull her apart leg by leg until she confessed the truth. Donghua thought in rage, his pupils turning into slits and glowing purple as the bones in his face sharp. Summoning a cloud, Donghua lifted from the ground with Jia Li and Xi Fang towards the cursed mountain range.

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