Chapter 53 - Thunder - Act III

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Author's note: This story has gotten really long, to give everyone a point of reference, when I conceived these next few chapters, I had meant for them to take place in chapter 30 or so. This fanfic grew heads like a hydra, this story was only supposed to have 50 chapters. Anyways, I do not know if Act III will be the end as I am still discovering the plot of this fanfic, although I have it plot out but it can grow more heads. As I have warned before, this fanfic is for adults, so mature themes, foul language and sexual content galore in this next act. This chapter has so many curveballs I can't keep track of them all.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, violence and mild sexual content.


Feng Jiu had struggled with all her might, her tails manifesting as she was teleported to a cavernous, cold place by Deliang. The razor-sharp spider web cut and burn her skin like acid, but her legs were free, and she jumped to her feet in a feeble attempt to escape.

"Oh, no, you won't," Deliang said in a sing song voice that infuriated Feng Jiu as she pulled back into the web by the threads that bound her arms to her torso.

Spider webs twisted at her ankles and closed in, making her fall into the unforgiving rock and cracking her head against the stone. Screaming as the new webs burned through her socks, Feng Jiu lost consciousness momentarily, and when she came to her senses, she found she was being dragged through the stone floor by Deliang, who had her back to her. Breathing in deeply through her mouth, she filled her lungs with oxygen and then exhaled a jettison of fire burning Deliang's hand, who screamed in rage.

Summoning magic, Deliang extinguished the flames in her arm and turned on Feng Jiu baring her fans. "Nobody said you could not be half dead when you met Miao Lou." Deliang raged as she turned into her large, black widow spider form and skittered towards Feng Jiu, whose eyes widen in horror as she saw the spider jaws coming closer.

Struggling in her bindings, Feng Jiu found it impossible to get away, and cold fear enveloped her as Deliang sank her jaws at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, injecting venom. The pain was severe as the venom burned through her blood, and Feng Jiu screamed in rage and fear. It hurt when Deliang's jaws punctured her skin, and it burned when they retracted. Black widow poison was a neurotoxin, and Deliang had injected massive amounts of venom close to her heart.

Paralysis was settling in, her mind losing its ability to process information or fear as Deliang carried her to a large spider web where she spun Feng Jiu inside a cocoon. The noxious fumes of the web made her dizzy, and she fought in her mind to stay conscious, broadcasting to Donghua her location. She fell through a dark tunnel in her mind wherein the distance she would hear Donghua call out her name, but her lips felt numb, and she could not answer.

Donghua, she chanted in her mind before the darkness close in.

Donghua, she repeated as terror overwhelmed.

Donghua, she cried before the noxious fumes in the cocoon, made her lose consciousness.


The minute he had spotted Cheng Yu running towards them with the children in her arms, Donghua had known something had gone very wrong. Ah Li had been crying, ugly tears coming down his face as he yelled for someone to help Feng Jiu. He had not needed and explanation because, in seconds, he felt his bond with her open and Deliang's mocking voice speaking on the other side. Travelling by mist, it had barely taken him thirty seconds to reach Chegtian Terrace, but he had been too late. All that had been left behind was a puddle of blood and the burned-out sword that had been resisting her magic.

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