《Chapter 3》

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I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock ringing in my ears. I desperately wanted to smash it with a hammer and go back to sleep but of course I have work so I can't. Man. My life sucks.

I got up from bed sleeping and headed into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed into a normal t-short and pants, which is the only thing that I can wear. Plus I never really wore dresses. They just weren't my thing I guess. I combed my hair and tied it into a ponytail.

I headed downstairs to prepare breakfast for mum and me. I searched the cupboards and found nothing. Oh yeah.....We only had rice and I know that mum hates having rice for breakfast..she likes having porridge and pancakes.

I gues I have to buy her some. I saved some money from my jobs so I can use that. I leave the house and head over to the nearest store. I bought one of the only things that see me to fit my requirements,which was some cereal and some instant pancake mix.

After paying I made my way back home and made breakfast for mum. Whilst I was flipping the pancakes she came down the stairs.

"Morning mum!" I greeted her smiling whilst flipping the pancake. "Morning." she says smiling back a nd as soon as she saw the pancakes she started jumping up and down like a child. "You made pancakes!" She beamed. "Yup." I say popping the 'p'

I put the pancakes on the plate and put it in front of her. She started eating it without a pause. "Don't choke. Eat slowly." I warn her and she stopped and laughed. "Fine fine mum!" She teased making me smile.

I really do feel like a mum looking after a naughty child sometimes. Scratch that. ALL the time. I look at the clock only to realise that I'm late for work. "Oh shoot!" I yelled and bolted for the door. "Sorry mum. Gotta go! Take care of yourself!" I yell before going out. "I will!" She yelled back.

I left the house and headed to the coffee shop.

The manager is gonna be mad isn't she....

I ran inside and stood at the counter to catch my breath. "Sorry I'm late!" I apologise. "You should be DAMN right sorry!" She yelled at me. "You're 5 minutes late!"

Geez...it's just 5 minutes woman...not a freaking hour!

"Imagine if we lost a customer!" She yelled and waved her arms in the air.

It's just losing a customer...it's not like the whole earth is collapsing..

"Yes. I'm terribly sorry." I apologise again. "Set to work!" "Yes ma'am." I nod and put on my apron. I then started taking orders and serving people.

I look at my watch which was cracked almost to the point where it you could barely see the time at all. It was 12:00. I have to go to my next job!

I packed away my apron and ran for my next job. My whole day went like this. I helped at a gas station and many supermarkets so I had to run pretty far. I'm sure I can be an athlete by how much I run. I've gotten scolded about 20 times. Broke the record yet again.

I'm so tired....

I earned some money to provide for mum and I for about a week. That's nut enough though. I wish I can get the money. Maybe mum would be less stressed and a little happy. That'd be great!

I was gonna walk home when I get a phone call.

Seriously?! These phone calls are gonna be the death of me one day...

I picked it up and answered with my tired yet annoyed voice.

"Hello?" If it's not important I'm gonna beat the caller up..

"Hello boss!" An energetic voice answered. This must be....Steve I think? I don't really remember their names so well..

"What is it?" I ask. His energetic voice is getting annoying.

"Boss. Great news! We've made progress. Could you please come over now?" He urged. He seems way more energetic than usual. Something good must've happened, otherwise he wouldn't call me.

"Okay. I'm coming. But it better be good though otherwise I'm gonna slice your head off like I did to Randy." I say coldly to which I could hear him gulp on the phone.

Randy is a guy I killed. He annoyed me a lot. He was a part of some small mafia so I killed him by slicing his head off. Literally.

Ever since people saw that I did it, they become more scared of me and would never take the risk by annoying me. Not even in the slightest way.

"Yes b-boss. It's definitely good." I hung up after that and headed for the headquarters.

I barged in through the doors and the room was silent. "Whats the news?" I ask Steve once I spotted him. "Look at this boss." He says handing me some files. I looked at it and my eyes widen. Happiness filled me when I saw it.

"We made this money already? Sk much? In such short time?" I ask in disbelief. He nodded happily.

I can finally make mums life a little easier. We can enjoy our lives now. She can have pancakes every morning and now she can eat whatever she wanTs and wear whatever she wants! This is a dream come true!

Looks like all that mafia work and working has paid off!

I'm so happy right now!

In the end we shared the money and I had taken a lot for mum. I can't wait to show her.


Why do I have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen?

I must be over thinking.

I arrived home and held the cheque in my hands. I opened the door clearly excited.

"Mum! I'm home!" I called out but heard no answer.

Hmm? That's weird. Maybe she's asleep like last time!

"Mum look! Look what I got!" I yell excitedly.

I came into the room. "Mum. Look I got-" I stopped midway when I saw the scene in front of me.

What I saw next made me stand there horrified and I felt my heart stop.


Authors Note

Hey guys! It's your annoying author here! Sorry I haven't updated. I was at a lost for ideas. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! Sorry for the mistakes. Feel free to point it out!


What do guys think is gonna happen next?

What do you think Vanessa saw?

What do you think about the following characters:


Her mum


Steve(the cheerful guy)

The boss/manager off the coffee shop

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Love you guys! ❤




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