《Chapter 4》

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Third person p.o.v

Vanessa stared in horror by what she saw. It seemed like time had stopped for her.

Her mum was hung to the ceiling by a rope. A nylon rope.

Vanessa's hands trembled and her breathing quickened. She ran towards her mum's body and tried cutting the rope. She was panicking.

"Mum!" She yelled shaking her mum's lifeless body. "MUM!!" She yelled louder except more desperate and shakily.

"Mum please! Wake up!!" She was shaking her mum more and more and kept yelling like a desperate child and at this point she felt like one.

She didn't cry but her heart was breaking on the inside. It broke so much that it felt worse than being stabbed. Vanessa would know what a stab is like. She's experienced it many times. More than she could count. However, this was much more painful. It was unbearable.

Her shaky hands held her mum's cold body. The same beaming mother who always smiled is now laying dead and cold in her arms.

She couldn't see anything or hear anything. She didn't even hear the police come until they burst through the room. She didn't move even when they came in. She just sat there with her mum in her arms.

Only one thing kept going through her mind....

"She killed herself..."

The police officers came towards her and tried comforting her. She paid them no heed.

"Miss. We need to check if this....was a murder...we need to examine her body..." the police said hesitantly.

"It wasn't a murder. My mum committed suicide." She said without looking up. "Huh? What makes you say that?" The officers are shocked by her sudden declaration. They looked at her wide eyed.

"There are rope marks behind her ears...if it was murder the marks would've been on the neck. You need a lot of strength to be able to strangle someone to death." She says making them shocked.

"How do you know that someone made those marks?" The officer asked. "Do you know how painful it is to kill yourself?" She asks and finally looks up at them. Her eyes were empty and had no hope. She had given up. She knew was too late.

The officers remained silent. "Even if a person is in a coma, they'll still struggle. But my mum didn't. She showed no forms of resistance. Even if it was a murder, she never struggled, which showed that she wanted to die either way."

The officers were left stunned. "How is a kid this smart? How is she so calm?" That was what went throughtheir minds. They didn't know the pain that Vanessa was hiding through that calm expression.

"Just leave it at that. There's no need for an investigation. Just bury her." She says handing over the body which she was reluctant to give.

The officers didn't bother to question her. They knew that even if they did question her anything they'd only get more shocked.

"Uhh...do You have any family?" One of the officers who was female asked her hesitantly.

Vanessa froze at the question. She paused before saying "No." "What? Are you sure? No one? Absolutely no one?" She asks still shocked.

"My father died and so did my mum. I only have brothers but I don't think that they'd want me." She says looking at her dead in the eyes. The officer walked away and looked through Vanessas files.

She found out the numbers of her brother's and immediately called them. "I might as well give it a shot." She thought and waited patiently until someone answered.

"Hello?" The voice came throughthe other end. It sounded cold.

"Uh. Hello. This is the police station." She says politely.

"What is it? If its nothing good to say I'm hanging up." He says about to end the call until he heard the officer speak.

"We called you to ask if you mind looking after your sister,Vanessa?" She asks.

There was silence on the phone until he spoke.

"Alright. I'll be right there. Send me the details of your location." He says before hanging up.

The officer sighs out of relief. She comes to the room where Vanessa sat. She was looking around at nothing in particular.

She came towards Vanessa and held her hand smiling. "I've got good news!" She cheers.

Her cheering voice reminded Vanessa of her mum,which made the pain she already felt worse.

"What is it?" She asks clearly uninterested.

"Your brother's said they'd take you in!" She says making Vanessa looked at her shocked.

"What?" Her eyes widen.

"Why would they want me? I thought they'd leave me on the streets or some adoption centre or something.."

Vanessa was both confused and shocked as to why her brother's agreed to take her in.

But one things for sure...

She'd find out soon..

Authors Note

Hey guys! It's your annoying author here! I hope I never kept you guys waiting long...
If I did I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for all the mistakes. I'm too lazy to check or edit it. Nice excuse? I know.


What do you guys think about this chapter?

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Did I suprise you about her mum's death?(be honest I wanna know! 😄)

Why do you think her brother's took her in?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

What do you think about the following characters:


The officer/s

Her mum

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