《Chapter 32》

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Vanessa's p.o.v

"This is why...I never cried.." I say with trembling lips before running to one of the rooms. I think it was Jason's.

I heard them scream my name and they all kept calling for me but i just ran.

My chest was tight and my breathing was heavy. I was having a panic attack.

I slammed the door shut and sat on the ground. My breathing was ragged and I just gripped my hair tightly.

I felt nauseous and all I wanted to do was cry.

My as*hole brothers came in and tried to come close to me but i pushed them away and screamed. "Leave me the f *ck alone!"

I never let them get close to me. I never let them touch me. That was until I felt two warm and comforting arms wrap around me.

Ashton's p.o.v

"This is why..I never cried.." Vanessa says making me shocked. She never cried because she cries blood?

She then ran out of the room, catching everyones attention. We called out to her but she kept running.

I could hear her harsh breathing and I immeduately felt worried.

They all went into the room she ran in.

They tried to hold her and calm her down but she just pushed them all away and screamed for them to leave her alone. I could see the hurt looks on their faces but that wanst what I focused on.

She was clutching her hair and shaking.

Is she having a panic attack?

Although I may not be able to help, I still want to try. I came close to her slowly and wrapped my arms around her. She tensed but soon she relaxed a little.

Vanessa's p.o.v

I felt two warm, comforting arms wrapping around me. I look up and see Ashton holding me with a nervous look. I tensed but slowly I relaxed.

Why do I feel so comfortable around him?

I realised my brothers were here so I pushed him away slightly, feeling uncomfortable. "Do you want them to leave?" He whispers. I nod and he looks to them. "Leave the room. Give us some time." He says and I could see the hurt in their eyes but they left.

"I...I think I'm feeling fine now." I say, shoving him away. "I just overreacted.."

He looks at me with eyes filled with....emotion.

I can't even describe what kind if emotion it is. All I can say is that his eyes were soft and somehow I wanted to stare at those blue eyes for longer.

He wrapped his arms around me and my eyes widen. "If you want to cry then cry. I don't mind." He says softly and for some reason I wanted to just do it.

But at the same time I don't.

Somehow his words manage to make me want to just break down in his arms but I'm scared to do it.

"I don't want to get your clothes messed. I dony cry normal tears. I think you know that." I say, biting my lip. "Its okay. I got plenty either way. You're more important." I was at a loss for words and for some reason I just held tighter onto him.

Third person p.o.v

Vanessa held Ashton tighter and then let the tears slip out, suprising both Ashton and herself in the process but nonetheless he just held her tightly and allowed her to cry.

He knew that she suffered a lot but kept it all in. She kept it all in for years and its all because she doesn't want to seem weak and she doesn't want others to think bad about her.

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