《#Stop the hate》

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Okay. I'm sorry this isn't an update but i need to let this out.

I heard about readers hating the authors and putting mean hate comments because they aren't updating and I think that thats bullshit!

I mean, we aren't making you read our books are we?! Plus, WE are the ones making an effort to entertain you guys! It's hard for authors to make time for this and I know from experience!

Just because an author doesn't update doesn't mean that you can go about commenting offensive comments that'll hurt their feelings!

Authors are humans too! That have their own fudging lives! That have feelings and aren't robots made to write books!

You don't know what an author goes through. You don't know how they live. You don't know anything about them so shut yoir fudging mouth!

They are making an effort and you should be thankful for it!

Who knows? They may be dying whilst you busy commenting "Update or else I'm gonna hate this!". (Okay maybe I'm being too dramatic but still...)

Maybe the author is suffering from depression. Maybe they have anxiety. Maybe they're sick. Maybe they're in hospital for all you know.

All you haters don't know what the author is going through so just shut the f*ck up. You think you know the author when you don't.

If you can't do that then please remove the book from your library.

Don't go on making people feel horrible just to get what you want!

Its just like the saying about throwing a stone into the sea.

It may be as easy as throwing a stone into the sea but do you know how deep that stone can go?

No. You don't.

You don't know how much you're causing poeple to suffer.

So just shut your God Damn mouths and wait!

No hating on books. No commenting horrible things!

Thank you! And if you think I'm being mean, I'm just gonna let you know that I'm not. I'm speaking the truth.

I'm speaking facts and giving you advice! So take it and use it for once!

Thanks for reading and to all you good readers out there, I love you! Please warn others too! 😘




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