《Chapter 22》

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Vanessa's p.o.v


I'm glad that's over..

I just had to meet a pervert...

Whose also a huge flirt..

"Hehe that rhymed!"

"Who cares?"

"I do.."

"You care for such pointless things."

"Ugh. Could  you be nice for once?"


"No wonder you're my counciosness...so rude.."

"Why thank you!"

"That was not a compliment..."

"To me it is."

"Whatever. Bye"


After that little...talk inside my head, I looked around looking for those two bulky men.

That guy just had to distract me and now I can't find them. Curse that handsome guy!

Then I heard footsteps so I flung myself around and saw those same two bulky guys.

I elbowed one in the stomach and I gave the other a kick in the face, causing both to fall down, groaning in pain.

Wow. They're bulky yet they're so weak..

This sure is gonna be easier than I thought...

I took out my knife,ready to slowly torture them to death when I felt my ohone vibrate in my pocket.

Who's messaging at a time like this?

Sighing, I took out my phone and looked at the notifications. It was from that chocolate girl.

I didn't know her name so that's exactly what I named her contact as...chocolate girl.

I opened up the message and read it silently, still playing with the knife in my hand. It was telling men the details about the concert.

It was tomorrow...

And she wants me to choose a piano..

Guess I'll have to make this fast then..

I took the knife and cut their necks which causes them to groan and yell loudly. Blood was spilt all over the floor and I wiped my knife before putting it away.

I made a marking on the floor of the devils eye and left.

I glanced at the message again and decided to ask her whether I could meet her now.

Vanessa: Can I meet you now?

Within a second my phone buzzed again. Was she waiting for my reply the whole time?

Chocolate girl: Yeah! Meet me at my house. I'll send you the details.

Vanessa:'Kay. Thanks.

She sent me the details of where she loved and I walked there.

By the time I reached there, my legs were aching a little.

"I better do some cardio..." I mutter to myself. I rang the bell and the door opened. "Hey! Glad you could make it!" The chocolate girl greeted and I waved. "Hi." I say bluntly before entering.

She ushered me to the garage and I went. "You have pianos down here?" I ask and she nods, smiling. "Yeah. My dad deals in instruments so he has a ton of pianos!"

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