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Louis sat on the couch in his flat, reading a novel he'd been meaning to get around to. He tugged his sleeves down over his hands as the heating kicked on. He'd spent the rest of fall and early winter writing his book, and he'd finally finished it that morning. He'd actually managed to finish writing his first book the day before his thirtieth birthday, something he'd made his goal nearly five years ago.
He'd stayed home mainly, only going to the cafe once a week instead of everyday. It was just as lonely there as it was at home anyway. Louis was used to spending fall and winter alone. He only taught his writing classes at the university during spring and summer terms. He usually spent fall and winter working on his own writing, and this year was the same. But it felt different. He'd been spending holidays mostly alone since he was fifteen. Occasionally, he'd spend Christmas with his aunt if she decided to visit from Germany, and he spent one Christmas with Jack before he passed. He was used to being alone. But this year felt lonelier than it had in a long time.

He checked his watch and sighed, putting his book face down on the coffee table and forcing himself off the couch, where he'd been since 9:00 that morning. It was already the 23rd, and he'd yet to do any holiday related anything, other than eating a tin of gingerbread cookies that his elderly neighbour had made for him.
He made his way to the bedroom and pulled on a few extra layers, donned his heaviest coat, and yanked a hat down over his ears. By the front door, he tugged on his boots and stuffed his keys in his pocket before heading out into the crisp, early evening air.
He walked into town, and he could feel his heart getting lighter, brighter, as he got closer to the Christmas market. The streets were lined with twinkly lights and Christmas music was playing from somewhere he couldn't identify. He'd been coming to the Christmas market every year since he moved to Edinburgh. There was a whole block dedicated to booths that sold snacks: hot cocoa, popcorn, little cakes, and Christmas sweets. And another whole block dedicated to artisans selling their work. Any type of hand made gift you could imagine was at the market.
He bought himself a cocoa to warm his hands as he walked under the twinkly Christmas lights, already feeling warmer. He walked down the block a ways until he reached a booth that caught his interest. A table was laid out under a tent, covered in lights, that displayed dozens of handmade, bound leather journals.

"Evening." A deep, Scottish voice broke his gaze away from the notebooks.

"Hi." Louis smiled at the man.

He was tall, a bit thicker, and had a nice beard and twinkly hazel eyes.
"Looking for one in particular? I've a lot of colours to choose from."

"Did you make all of these?" Louis asked, an impressed smile on his lips.

"Aye. Make 'em all year, a few custom orders here and there, but mainly all for the market."
The man grinned at Louis and leaned towards him a bit, resting his hands on the edge of the table.

"They're brilliant."

"Cheers, mate." The man laughed. A soft, deep sound that made Louis feel a little warmer.

Louis ran his fingers over the cover of a soft, brown leather notebook with two little birds burned into the leather.

"They're swallows." The man's deep voice informed him. "Mate for life, they do."

Louis swallowed and nodded. "It's lovely."

"Then it's perfect for ya, aye?"

Louis' cheeks burned and he smiled softly. "It might be, yeah."

The man grinned and took the notebook from Louis' hand. "Alright--"


The man grinned, his cheeks rosy and eyes shining. "Louis. I'm Garrett."

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