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On Saturday morning, Louis opened his eyes to sunlight flooding his tiny bedroom. The golden light danced on the chocolate curls and cinnamon freckles belonging to the sleeping man in front of him. Louis' sleepy smile grew as he watched Harry's eye lashes flutter as he woke and opened his eyes.
Harry squinted in the morning light as he looked at Louis. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Louis' body, pulling him closer and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Good morning, beautiful." Harry whispered against his skin.

Louis hummed happily and snuggled his face against Harry's chest. "Morning, lovely."

Harry rolled onto his back, pulling Louis up against his chest, he let his fingers run along Louis' spine. "Did you sleep well, darling?"

Louis nodded against his skin. "Did you?"

"I did." Harry smiled and kissed Louis' head. "What do you want to do this morning?"

Louis hummed and kissed Harry's chest. "This. Just want to be with you."

"We can stay here all day if you want."

"Maybe a bit longer."

Harry laughed softly. "Okay. And then we can get breakfast or go to the market like you said last night?"

Louis nodded and snuggled into Harry's chest. "Okay."

The morning was slow and full of soft, warm light and gentle touches. They spent the next half hour snuggling together in bed before getting up around 8:00. Harry followed Louis to the kitchen, both in only pants and loose jumpers. He pushed the windows open and lit the candle on the counter as Louis put on the kettle and made them tea.
They stayed close, leaving lingering touches on each other's shoulders, wrists, and cheeks. They sat together on the couch, facing each other with their legs overlapped between them, toes wiggling in cozy socks, as they drank their tea. When they got dressed, Harry pulled on his trousers from the day before over a pair of too-tight borrowed pants, and Louis also let him borrow a cotton shirt that fit nice and snug.
They left the flat around 9:30, and made their way into the center of town. Louis led the way to his favourite breakfast spot, a small bakery down the street from his flat, and they sat and shared a few pastries as they watched people pass them on the street.
The Saturday market had a few dozen vendors selling fresh fruit and veg; Harry picked things to make a salad later, and Louis grabbed a loaf of soft bread and some jam and cheese. Harry had to remind himself not to wrap his arm around Louis' waist in public as they walked back to his flat. He made up for the lack of contact by letting his hand graze Louis' side, and he laughed when Louis nudged against him before pulling him into a little shop to pick a bottle of wine to go with their snacks.

They made it back to Louis' flat, and Harry decided to forego getting his things from the hotel for one more day. They spent the afternoon in Louis' flat, both walking around shirtless in loose trousers, with the windows open and a surprisingly warm, early summer breeze filling the flat. Harry sat on the floor and looked through the collection of records that Louis had before picking one and setting it on the player. He set the needle down on the vinyl, and Stevie Nicks' voice filled the flat as Rumors played track by track. Louis laughed at Harry's dance moves and only protested a little when Harry wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into the living room to dance with him.
The early evening sun made the inside of the flat glow in a cozy warmth. Gold tones danced through Harry's curls, across Louis' tan cheeks, and tangled in their lips as they kissed and passed the bottle of wine back and forth while sitting barefoot on the living room floor.

After dinner, they found themselves on the couch again, Louis' head in Harry's lap as they talked, both tipsy from the wine and honey liquor they'd shared.

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