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Harry and Louis spent Sunday much the same, lounging together around Louis' flat and taking a walk in the early afternoon to get Harry's things from the hotel.
They stopped at the cafe to grab coffee and tea on their way back to Louis' flat, and it felt new, but right, going in and leaving together.

Monday morning, Louis was back to work. He crawled out of bed quietly as the sun started to rise and kissed Harry's cheek without waking him. He opened the blinds to wake Harry around 7:30 and kissed him again before he left.
With Louis at the university, Harry had the flat to himself to work. He made himself a cup of tea before settling in on the couch with Louis' manuscript. Louis had left the printed pages of his book neatly on the coffee table with a postcard addressed to Harry and dated back in March, and note that read
"brave enough now x"
in his scratchy script.
He read the post card carefully, his chest warming when he read that Louis had remembered his birthday, that he hadn't forgot about him. Harry grinned and looked down at the cover page on the top of the stack of papers.

"Only for the Brave"
L. William

Harry's grin softened into a fond smile as he let his thumb run over the title and Louis' pen name. He knew this was a big deal to Louis, letting someone read and edit his whole book. Harry didn't know where it picked up after Louis had stopped reading to him back in October, but he wanted to find out. He flipped the front page over and started to read.

By mid afternoon, Harry had read almost half of the book. He'd decided to read it all the way through once before starting to edit.
He couldn't remember the last time he felt this emotional about a book. Maybe it was because he could relate... to being a closeted gay man in a world that had no acceptance for him, to being alone, lonely for so long, and having to keep a part of himself a secret.
But he had cried a handful of times as he reached the chapters about coming to terms with your sexuality, and knowing that you may never be able to love openly. He teared up when he read about the passing of his mum. He cried when he got to the part about falling in love, and losing that person in the worst possible way.
He admired the way that Louis wrote the book without specific characters so he could feel everything in the book as if it were his own pain or joy.

He took a break after that chapter, not reading on to Louis' newer words just yet. He set the pages back on the table and stood from the couch, needing a minute to collect himself. Harry stretched his arms over his head and took a few deep breaths before making his way to the kitchen and rummaging through the cupboard for something to eat. He settled on a bowl of cereal, and leaned against the counter eating as he watched people on the street below from the kitchen window.
After washing his empty bowl and tucking it back on the shelf, Harry moved towards the far end of the kitchen where the phone hung on the wall. He thought for a minute about what he'd say, and then picked up the receiver and dialled the number for Camden Press.
He twirled the phone cord around his finger as he paced back and forth the width of the small kitchen, until someone answered. Harry was relieved that Mr. Oliver had no questions about this new author's hospitality of letting Harry stay there. He was just glad that Harry had found another author to be published by Camden Press.

It was just after 4:00 when Louis came through the front door, finding Harry laying on his back on the couch, fast asleep.
A smile tugged at Louis' lips as he set his bag down and shut the door behind him. He moved across the living room and knelt down beside the sofa. Harry's curls fell across the pillow, and his eyelashes were dark against the pale skin of his cheeks. Louis watched Harry's chest rise and fall with his steady breathing for a moment before brushing his knuckles along Harry's jaw and whispering.

Louis kissed his cheek and laughed softly when Harry scrunched his nose in his sleep. "Harry."

Harry groaned softly and rolled onto his side to face Louis before slowly opening his eyes, a sleepy smile creeping across his face, only to be interrupted by a yawn.

Louis laughed and kissed his nose. "Hey sleepy head."

"Mm." Harry hummed and leaned closer to Louis. "Hey. When did you get back?"

"Just now. Long day?"

Harry shrugged one shoulder and pushed himself to sit up. "Not too long. A very cozy day though."

"Yeah?" Louis sat down on the couch beside him. "That's good. What did you do?"

He looked at the stack of papers on the coffee table, and at his note and post card tucked into the manuscript to save Harry's page.

"Read some of your book." Harry reached out to run his finger over the cover.
"Most of it actually. I called Camden Press. My boss says you're very hospitable for letting me stay here."
Harry smirked and kissed Louis' cheek.

Louis laughed and sat back against the arm of the couch, stretching his legs over Harry's lap. "Good. I'm glad that's all settled."

"Mhm." Harry agreed, rubbing his thumb over Louis' ankle, sliding it up his shin under the hem of his trousers slightly. "How was work?"

"Good. We're starting my favourite bit of term. Poetry. So I'm quite looking forward to reading my students' work, and maybe writing some of my own. I haven't written poetry outside of this book in nearly two years."

"That sounds wonderful." Harry murmured. "Will you read to me if you write any?"

Louis nodded. "Alright."

Harry smiled, content, as he leaned in towards Louis, letting him meet him halfway and kissing his lips.

A lazy evening led to an early bed time, both sleepy and cuddled up together under the quilt on Louis' bed. The silver glow from the moon lit Louis' skin as Harry turned to face him. He let his fingers trace over his cheek bones, under his chin, and brush softly over his lips before leaning in and pressing his own lips there instead. Louis sighed into the kiss and curled his fingers into the thin fabric of Harry's tee shirt, pulling him closer.
They pulled back from the kiss to catch their breath, resting their foreheads together and breathing each other in. Harry's eyes sparkled even in the dark bedroom, and Louis admired them fiercly until they started to drift closed.

Harry woke to an empty bed the next morning, the sun streaming into the small room and warming his skin.
He rolled over, facing his back towards the window, and pulled the covers up higher. A note on the nightstand caught his eye before he tugged the blanket over his head completely. He tightened it around his chin and poked his arm out from under the quilt, letting his fingers grasp the folded paper.

gone to work.
there's fresh scones on the counter (to die for)
enjoy the sunshine and open windows
see you tonight xx
love, L

Harry grinned and pulled the note under the covers with him as he closed his eyes again.

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