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Louis grinned and jogged the last bit down the hall as Harry pushed himself up off the floor.
He'd gotten to Louis' flat before Louis got home from work and sat on the floor in the hall to read while he waited. Harry stood up in time to grab Louis and pull him into a tight hug.

"Hey Lou." Harry grinned, pressing his face against Louis' neck.

Louis laughed, pulling back to look at him. "Let's go inside."

He couldn't stop smiling as he grabbed one of Harry's bags and unlocked the door.
With the door closed behind them, Louis faced Harry and pulled him in again. Harry grinned and pressed his lips into Louis' hair as he held him.

"Missed you." Louis mumbled against his chest.

"Missed you too."

Harry leaned back to look down at Louis and tilted his chin down to press their lips together. He sighed happily into the kiss, all of his stress and guilt melting away as Louis brushed his tongue against his lips.
Harry parted his lips and moved his tongue against Louis' as he guided them to the couch. They kissed and held each other close, months of time apart catching up to them in between shaky breaths and gentle touches. Harry leaned back against the arm of the couch and pulled Louis down against his chest, placing kisses to his forehead as he ran his fingers through his hair.
Louis grinned and closed his eyes, listening to Harry's heartbeat through his thin tee shirt. He nuzzled into Harry's chest as their breathing aligned.

"I'm so glad you're here." Louis said softly.

"Me too." Harry grinned and sat them up. "It's so good to see you."

They sat on the couch, holding each other and catching up on life in between kisses, until the sun began to set. Louis' living room was only dimly lit by the street lamp out the window by the time they stood to make dinner. They cooked together in Louis' tiny kitchen, keeping a hand on the other's waist or placing kisses to cheeks and shoulders as they moved around each other. And even though Louis had to be at the university early the next morning, they stayed out on the fire escape talking until after midnight.
Louis fell asleep quickly against Harry's bare chest as they laid together in his bed in the darkness. Harry let his fingers curl in the hair at the nape of Louis' neck and pressed delicate kisses to his forehead in between yawns, until he too fell asleep.

They fell back into their domestic routine quickly, and Harry had dinner started by the time Louis got home from the university on Tuesday and Wednesday. He currently had no book to edit, so Harry spent the days wandering around Edinburgh, taking in the old stone buildings and getting a better sense of how Louis found a feeling of home here.

"What time is the train to Glasgow tomorrow afternoon?" Louis asked after a sip of wine.

They were sat together on the fire escape, drinking wine from the bottle that they passed between each other. The sun had set nearly an hour ago, but the end of summer air was still warm enough to sit without a jacket.

Harry leaned his head back against the metal railing.
"It's at 5:10. Should be alright since you're home around 4:00, yeah?"

Louis passed him the bottle and nodded. "Yeah, definitely. I'll come home and change quick and we can go."

Harry smiled lazily and took another sip of wine. "I'm glad you're coming with me. I think you'll like Henry."

"Me too." Louis smiled and took the bottle back. "And I'm glad we're staying the night."

Harry grinned, the glow from the street lamp making his eyes sparkle in the dark.
"Me too."

"Tired?" Louis asked when Harry yawned and closed his eyes for a moment.

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