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It was 19 December, and Louis was rushing about his flat trying to get things ready for Harry's arrival the next morning. He'd already talked to Harry on the phone and had dinner, and it was getting late. He hadn't realized until that morning that he should have gotten a Christmas tree since Harry was coming. He wanted to celebrate the holiday properly, but he hadn't had a tree in years and it had slipped his mind. He managed to find a small enough one that he could carry up to his flat by himself, and now it was set up by the window, completely bare so he and Harry could decorate together.
At the beginning of the month, Graham and Connell had asked him again about doing a book signing closer to Christmas since his book was selling so well. He'd been hesitant, but he'd agreed once Harry said he'd come out a day earlier than he planned so he could be there.

It was below freezing outside, and the heat rattled the radiator as Louis moved around his flat. He had Christmas music playing on the record player, wool socks on his feet, a half drank hot toddy on the counter, and it would have been quite festive if he wasn't so stressed.
Louis had been alone for his birthday and Christmas every year since he moved to Scotland, except the one holiday he spent at Jack's, and he was worried he'd forget something when actually having company. He had made sure that Harry's presents were wrapped and set on the floor by the tree, and he'd realized he didn't actually have any lights to hang on it. He'd managed to find a dozen candles in a bin in the closet that would have to do for setting the holiday mood.
Eventually, he was too tired and stressed to worry about making his flat look festive anymore for the night. It was almost midnight when Louis grabbed his now-cold drink off the counter and sat down on the couch. He sighed and drank the rest of the watered down whiskey. He knew his holiday stress would dissipate as soon as he saw Harry, but on top of that, he was nervous for his book signing the next night. Graham had promised it would be fine, but he couldn't shake the fear that no one would even show up and he'd be stuck with a stack of books that no one wanted. He knew that wasn't true; his book had actually been selling quite well... even though it was unlikely that the rest of the copies would sell by the end of the year.
Louis groaned and set his empty glass down and blew out all the candles before walking through the dark to the bedroom. He laid awake for another hour, just staring at the ceiling, before finally falling asleep to the sound of the radiator rumbling against the wall.

Louis woke the next morning, much later than intended. Harry was supposed to be there around 1:00, and it was already 11:00 when Louis pushed himself out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. He drank two cups of tea and cleaned the kitchen, realizing that he hadn't bought anything special for a holiday roast, and he didn't have enough time to do a shop. He supposed they could just do a shop together in the next day or two. When he'd decided his flat was as festive as it was going to get, Louis settled down on the couch with a pen and paper. He rolled up the sleeves of his jumper and tucked his feet under the blanket on the end of the couch and started a shop list.
He'd not been sitting for twenty minutes when there was a knock at the door. Louis jumped off the couch and practically ran to the door and pulled it open. He grinned when he saw Harry peek his face out from behind a red poinsettia, a knit hat snug over his curls.

"Hi." Harry grinned and stepped inside.

"Hi." Louis laughed and took the plant from him so he could set his suitcase down.

Louis shut the door and turned to face Harry, pulling him into a massive hug.

"I missed you."

Harry smiled against Louis' hair. "I missed you too."

Louis grinned and stood on his toes to press a firm kiss to Harry's cold lips. "You're freezing."

"It's cold out!" Harry laughed and winked. "Warm me up."
He slipped his hands under Louis' jumper and laughed when Louis jumped at the cold. Harry kept his hands on Louis' warm stomach as he guided them to the couch, pressing cold kisses to Louis' lips  and pulling him on his lap when they reached the couch.

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