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Despite the lingering sadness of being back in London and away from Louis, Harry couldn't help but be excited to return to work on Monday and submit Louis' manuscript.
Camden Press had never published anything quite like it before, but Mr. Oliver had spoken numerous times about expanding their audience.

"Harry!" Charlie called over the short wall of his cubicle as Harry entered the office.
"Where the hell you been mate? Thought you left us." He laughed and stepped into the hall to shake Harry's hand.

"Hey mate." Harry laughed, tucking Louis' manuscript under his arm to give Charlie a quick hug.
"Been on assignment in Scotland. Lasted a bit longer than originally planned. Got a new author to add to Camden's lineup though."

"Ah yeah? Brilliant. Brilliant. Well welcome back Mr. Editor in Chief, we've missed you. Pints after work to celebrate your new position and author contribution?"

Harry grinned and nodded enthusiastically. "Sure, mate. Sounds brilliant."

Charlie gave him one last pat on the back before heading back into his office. Harry made his way to his own cubicle, only to find it empty.

"Uh.." he looked around curiously.

"Mr. Styles?"

"Mary. Hi." Harry turned around to greet her.

"You've got a new office set up on the publishing floor. Down the hall from Mr. Oliver's." She answered his unasked question with an enamored grin.

"Right." Harry tried to remain professional while his insides turned with excitement. "Alright then. Thanks Mary."

"Of course." She smiled and stepped a bit closer. "Charlie mentioned drinks later. You're coming?"

"Uh." Harry scratched the back of his neck. "Was planning on it. Yeah."

"Great!" Mary grinned a bit too excitedly, letting her hand linger on Harry's shoulder. "See you there."

Harry nodded and pulled away from her touch before turning back towards the main hall. He skipped the elevator and stepped into the stairwell, walking up three flights of stairs to his new office.
Harry's jaw dropped slightly when he saw the little plaque on the door that read 'Harry Styles - Editor in Chief - Camden Press'. He bit his lip to stifle a proud grin and stepped inside.
It wasn't anything like Mr. Oliver's office, but it was bigger than a cubicle and it had a window overlooking the street. He could make out the clock tower in the distance.

"Bloody hell." He laughed and sat down in his new desk chair.

"Mr. Styles." A deep, male voice came from behind him.

Harry stood up and turned to see Mr. Oliver leaning against the door frame looking amused.

"Sir. Good morning."

"Glad to have you back, lad. Good trip?"

"Brilliant, yeah."

"Can't wait to hear about this new author of yours." Mr. Oliver smiled pleasantly. "Get yourself acquainted with your new space then come drop the manuscript in my office."

"Yes, sir. I've uh—" Harry opened his messenger bag. "Got it right here actually if you want to take it with you. It's completely edited."

"Well." Mr. Oliver looked impressed as he took the manuscript. "You've been busy. Always a pleasure Mr. Styles. We'll have a quick meeting later after I've looked it over."

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