T H I R T Y - F O U R

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"We don't have much time now, "Trout muttered softly to the Lady as they walked the edge of the river

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"We don't have much time now, "Trout muttered softly to the Lady as they walked the edge of the river. The smell, although revolting to the pregnant women offered her a small glimpse into freedom from the castle walls. And there was another reason, as she looked to her right the silent blonde handmaiden finally looked up.

"No, it's like everyday they grow nearer, I can practically feel theirs breaths against the nape of my neck." Elaine remarked, she visibly cringed as well. Her once vibrant blue eyes were not muted, under eyes darkened and lips chapped. The redness around her eyes had faded but faint traces still remained, she'd finally stopped crying in her sleep that morning and Victoria thought it was time they'd gotten her some fresh air. She couldn't imagine the pain her friend went through, watching a family member die, no matter how close, was never an easy toll. For the past few days Sir Trout had taken it upon himself to keep the ladies well fed and hydrated.

Elaine was right though, they'd been under Stark watch since the execution, it was like every corner they turned a soldier adorned in silver and navy roamed them. Victoria had been too preoccupied with her departure and the state of her dear friend otherwise she would've set holy hell on Robb.

"Not long now, soon enough they'll be mountains between us." Victoria said and she could practically taste the scorching sun and soft sand.

"Gods allow us." Elaine said softly, her stomach tightened at the thought. She knew that Lord Stark would send a howl so loud across the lands that even they would hear it. She wondered what the repercussions would be but it silenced when she remembered how no one she held even a small amount of love was in the north. Her true family, the one that mattered was here, promising new adventures and safe havens.

"It won't be God that bring us back, Lord Monterroso is far from that." Sir Trout jokingly stated.

"After we arrive, I'd like to see Trystan, and my Uncles," Victoria stated.

"There's no doubt in my mind they'll be waiting for you on the walls," Sir Trout said confidently. "As for me, well I won't say no too the heat flaring my skin as long as there's seawater in the distance."

Victoria smiles, fondly reminded of that as well, Sir Trout was often uncomfortable in his heavy garments, preferring the soft linens that were common amongst knights far south. She could see them walking the beaches at sunrise, speaking about their days and worries. Her child running ahead, basking in the sea, soft giggles running through the gentle air. Sir Trout taking the young child under his wing, showing them the beauty in swordsmanship.

Her breath is harsh as she practically kicks at the cold water that this river has to offer, fury rises in her chest and she nearly wants to scream in these woods. She can't however, one scream of hers and Stark men will come running through the woods, courtesy of the King himself.

"We should head back, I'm sure the Kings'
men are not far away." Elaine mentions, she turns back to the castle, her eyes are dark. She thinks of her own anger, her hatred for this place and it's inhabitants. Her blood may have been birthed as cold as the north but now it was as hot as the Dornish sands, it ran with the fury she now had for her father, her Lady, and every other person the Starks had betrayed since becoming kings once more.

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