3. | 𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙠 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙

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03:45 pm

it had been a few days since you had asked the number for help, and it was safe to say that they helped you lots. you were able to understand the subject much more than you previously had, and it made you feel a tad bit better about yourself.

you awkwardly shifted on your feet, readjusting the shopping bag that hung on your shoulder every now and then. there you stood in front of the grocery store, waiting for your friend's arrival whilst fiddling with your fingers in boredom.

ms. konoha asked akinori to fetch some things at the market and you decided to tag along since your fridge had been running low on food. considering your parents often stayed at work until late hours, you had learned to take care of yourself independently.

unfortunately, though, it seemed that he was running a bit late.

"y/n!" a familiar voice called out to you,

you looked up to see your friend walking towards you, a laid back smile plastered on his face.

"aki! you're late." you playfully hit his shoulder, "do you know how long i've been waiting?"

"no, i don't," he flicked your forehead,

you jokingly rolled your eyes at him, entering the store, not bothering to wait for the boy who stood before you. upon walking in,  you were met with dozens of aisles, the sight itself was enough to bring a smile to your face.

"we're still having a sleepover next week, right?" you glanced at konoha, who had been following you from behind, attention focused on the numerous bars of chocolate stationed nearby.

"yep," he replied, moving his glance back to you. "do you wanna buy snacks? we can split up."

"sure, i'll look for 'em, you go ahead and find drinks for us."

"alright," he nodded, gesturing to the phone in his hand, "call me if you need help, yeah?"

"got it, see you, aki!" you waved at him before heading to the beverage aisle.

speedily sauntering towards the bakery aisle, your eyes scanned for a particular type of bread; milk bread. your long time best friend, oikawa tooru, who you've met through your cousin, had taken a large liking towards the food. having spent lots of time with him, you found yourself enjoying it just as much as he did.

'aha! there you are.'

you eyes visibly lightened at the sight of the last available pack of milk bread. immediately, you rushed to the bag and reached for it.

'seems like my luck is in top shape today!'

your palm reached out to it, fingers outstretched, hand only a moment away from making contact, or in this case you'd like to call, 'victory'.

just as you were about to take hold of the sweet delicacy, a hand came seizing it from the shelf, faster than you could.

'or... not.'

you let out a sigh, pressing your lips into a thin line. upon cranking your neck up, you were met faced to face with a boy, seemingly your age.

 his short, light grey locks contrasted with the black tinge of the ends of his hair, his fringe being parted in the middle to rest just above his eyes. his outfit consisted of a grey sweater, along with a pair of black jeans.


he eyed you, silently staring at your figure- though it was close to being a glare. it was nearly impossible to decipher how he was feeling, seeing how his face held almost no emotion. 

 he caught you looking at the bag he held in his hands, causing him to glance at you questioningly.

"you wanted this?" he raised his eyebrow at you, motioning at the bag that laid in his grasp.

"uh, yeah... i do." you adverted your eyes to the floor, your hands sub-consciously reaching behind you to awkwardly twiddle your thumbs.

the boy stayed silent, eyes moving back  and forth between you and the milk bread.

much to your surprise, he took a step closer to you, taking your hand in his to place the bag of milk bread in your palm ever so gently, settling your other palm on top of it.

'my heart's racing, the fuck?'

he lifted his hand to give your head a soft pat. his hand remained for a while, dishevelling your hair before walking away, leaving you to stand alone in the aisle in mere confusion.

your feet were frozen to the ground, almost as if you were paralyzed by his awfully simple actions.

'what the actual fuck?'

you held up the hand that he grasped, the tips of your fingers almost tingled at the thought of him holding your hand. you couldn't help but think about how careful his actions were despite his rather cold appearance.

"y/n!" a relieved akinori came running your way, "thank god! i thought i lost you for a second."

"i said i'd call you if i needed help!" you retorted, crossing your arms. "i'm perfectly fine!"

"whatever," he ignored your statement, quickly changing the topic. "so, did you get any snacks?"

your eyes widened in realization, sheepishly holding up the bag of milk bread.

the boy stared at you in disbelief, "really, y/n? milk bread? i swear, you hang out with the seijoh dude too much."

he snatched the bread out of your hands, walking towards the next aisle. "come on, i'll help you look for the snacks."

you heaved out a sigh, following him shortly after.

"i can take care of myself, aki-chan. you dont have to worry about me so much, you know that, right?"

"still, it's better than to risk losing you to an old hag, now, isn't it? now shut up and choose something."

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- yuzazazaza

𝙒𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝙉𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍, 𝙃𝙊𝙀.  ➥ ᵏⁱᵗᵃ ˢʰⁱⁿˢᵘᵏᵉWhere stories live. Discover now