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I did not write this novel (though I really wish I did because it is amazing). 

The author is 焦糖冬瓜 and


  titled 绝处逢生

This is also tentatively termed a translation.  Here is why.....

I loved this novel so much and I wanted to write it out how I read it.  Well not how I read it, I read it as a mangled word puzzle.  I wanted to write is out as my brain deciphered it.  I do not read (write or speak) Chinese so this is taken from machine translated text (which is how I read the novel). I made it flow as smoothly as I could.  I probably took too many liberties to do so. Some of the chapters were easier to work with than others.  Some are a jigsaw.  Mainly I work with a skeleton of the chapter and fill in the blanks ...........and pretty much reword the whole thing.   Maybe it would be more accurate to call this an amalgam of translation and fanfic (not sure since on some chapters I don't know how close or far off I am).  There are proper translations out there (that is how I was introduced to the work in the first place) and they are quite good and accurate sooooo....yeah my work doesn't rate in comparison. I enjoy reading different translations though so I assume others do as well.

  I so badly want this to be commercially available one day and hope that interest in this novel will lead to the realization that there is a real demand out there for Chinese BL in the states (and I imagine many more places).   There is a demand!!!

I hope you enjoy.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now