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by 焦糖冬瓜

Thrive in Catastrophe


In the year 2200 (it is translated as2020 but this didn't seem right so I changed it :/) the virus"comet" ravaged the world, infecting the majority of humans and transforming them into zombies. The world urgently studied the virus and its associated antibodies in hopes of protecting the remaining percentage of the population from infection.

The government quickly constructed a large underground city known as the Shire. Humans began to live in a new era where resources were concentrated on developing three major areas of study: information, technology, neurology and virology.

The Shire has subsisted for 124 years.


His head exploded in pain and crashing sounds burst through his eardrums.

Xiao Yan knitted his brows together and reached a hand to his forehead, a warm fluid ran down his fingers. Opening his eyes, he was able to distinguish the color of blood.

Clamoring sounds of panic surrounded him.

Xiao Yan head and ears rang with chaos as he attempted to piece together the events. The pilot's mind had been invaded and the aircraft had crashed into an old forest. The impact smacked Xiao Yan's head against the window, briefly knocking him out.

He awoke to screams of terror and hysteria, including the usually calm students seated beside him.

The craft had slammed to the ground on its side in the crash, rendering the windows on Xiao Yan's half of the plane completely useless. He moved his head to the side and was stunned at the view.

A unknown number of Zombies were slamming against the aircraft, frantically banging on the windows with enough force to tear it open and devour the occupents. Screams erupted, saturating the cabin in fear.

"Ah...It's a zombie herd! A zombie! What should we do?"

"What happened to the pilot? Can we get back in the air?"

As soon as the remark broke through the air, the animated corpses, that had attacked fresh flesh and blood, threw a head over to the glass. The face was mutilated, half of the muscles eaten away exposing bone and the detached eye of the pilot. The eye completely disconnected and slid down the window, a trail of red smearing a path. Another zombie grabbed at it and pushed it into its mouth, it continued to chew on the face pressed against the glass.

As the zombie feasted he bared his yellowing teeth, covered with a nauseating mixture of saliva, blood and mucous.

"Ah!" The young student by the window fell into a frantic hysteria.

"Don't scream! The sound will excite them more."

The officer in the front row, in charge of the mission, simply stared. He was the only one who seemed to keep his wits about him. He quietly removed his safety harness from his body.

"As we know the aircraft has crashed, the cockpit sustained most of the damage, meaning we not only lost both of our pilots but also the possibility of getting back in the air. Luckily the cockpit is separated from the main cabin. Although the zombies look frightening, they are not strong enough to breach the door to the cabin."

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now