Chapter 59 Comet's Home

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As they sat down, Xiao ordered an apple pie and French fries. Jane was not interested in the food.

Jane detests any food made by the terminal system. He finds the taste to be too bland and uniform. He hates that everything tastes the same.

Tipping the glass of beer toward him, he barely took a sip before his face twisted in disgust. He leaned on his chin, looking bored.

This whole time he has not met Xiao Yan's eyes once.

"Come on! Don't be mad. When I can, I will tell you everything that is going on. Just please, don't tell anyone what you saw."

"You don't want me to report to General Gordon? He is my superior, I have an obligation to report to him affairs regarding your safety. That includes the x-virus, or anything else that may cause harm to your body. Doesn't matter that it makes you--- "

Xiao Yan hurriedly stretched his hand across Jane's mouth. There were not many people in the hall at this time, but anyone listening could easily understand Jane.

"Listen to me...If this gets out, the Surge will seize my brain, no matter the cost."
Jane sighed heavily and looked at Xiao Yan with a serious expression.

"So I should report. If you can't divulge this to me then tell it to Gordon. This is not just about what you want. Xiao Yan your life is not only important to the city of the Shire, it is very important to me."

Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes as he thought and then tried another tactic. "If you have to report it, at least give me three months."

"Three months?!" Jane stared at Xiao Yan, his expression tight and stern.

"No way. Do you realize all that can happen in three months? My mission was to hold the research platform for three months. I lost over a third of my men in that time."

Xiao Yan froze, he had forgotten that Jane was in charge of the team what was attacked by the Surge bioweapons.

Although they had expected to lose soldiers, they had not expected to return with a third of their team gone. Especially since that team was Jane Wallace's.

That is why Jane's response had been so intense, he didn't want to lose Xiao too.

"A month ... just a month?"

Jane closed his eyes, then very slightly nodded.

"Thank you!"

"You know how to really thank me?"


Suddenly Jane's fingers pinched his chin and his face leaned towards him. He put his hand down to prop himself on the table, his other hand still holding his beer. Xiao looks at Janes attractive facial features closing in. He definitely has the charm to seduce people. Xiao felt his heart sink. As Janes tongue grazes his, Xiao's spine stiffens. Before Jane can deepen the kiss, Xiao swiftly

slammed his head against Jane's and elbowed his shoulder as he turned around. Instantly Jane held Xiao down with one hand as his other clasped the back of Xiao's neck, neatly resolving the attack. Then his fingers sank into his hair and his arms tightened around him, squeezing the breath from his lungs. Xiao Yan smashed his lips together, leaving Jane to just look down at him.

"Have you fallen in love with Heine Burton?"

Xiao broke free of Janes hold, or more accurately Jane released him.

"What are you saying?" Xiao Yan shouted.

His hands tightened into fists and his body vibrated with fury. He had thought that Jane was just like Maya. After their mission together, he thought Jane regarded him as a brother and comrade. Instead he just looked down at him as a rookie researcher that he could mess with at any time. If he had some of his x-2 with him, he had no doubt that he would be able to let Jane taste a bit of his strength.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora