Chapter 95 This Is How We Came To This World

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In less than thirty seconds they had wiped out all of the craft trailing them.

This achievement raised the morale of the entire team.

Xiao unconsciously raised a victorious fist towards Casey in celebration. Suddenly he realized his action and pulled his hand back. Casey's fist landed on him playfully and Xiao felt his heart tremble as a small smile stretched his lips.

They did not have an opportunity to relax. They were both acutely aware that these craft were mere cannon fodder that Valentin had deployed to test their abilities.

They were closing in on the Antarctic base and Xiao couldn't help the surprise that welled inside him. In a short time Valentin had built such a massive structure. The scans showed that the base was extremely deep and structurally sound. All the support materials were ultra-high density titanium. Xiao couldn't imagine the manpower and resources necessary for such a stable and immense base. Where had Valentin acquired the means?

There were no more than 2 meters away when the craft suddenly began to fall from the sky. Neither Xiao Yan nor Casey could control the engines at all. It was a though a large force had smashed into the craft and pulled it down.

The situation quickly spiraled out of control and Xiao and Casey hit the alarm. Everyone was instantly ejected from the craft, just as they were about to meet the ground.

The impact explosion caused an avalanche along the glaciers in the distance. As Xiao rolled off the ground, he could feel the violent tremors reverberate toward him. Scorching air rolled over his back, his uniform protecting him from the high temperature. Xiao quickly got to his feet. Only when he was positive that everyone had made safely from the craft, did he breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fuck! What is going on?!" Mark shouted.

Heine squatted on the ground and moved his hand over the snow until he hit a distinctive material.

"Magnetic field. Valentin used this to destroy our engines. No matter how powerful the pilot he cannot resist physics."

Xiao Yan immediately contacted the support team and warned them not to drive the aircraft near the area before removing the device.
He turned back toward the base; The grey material seemed like monster standing amid the cold and wind-Ready to devour them.

Winn sneered. "Sure we want to go inside? You think Valentin will open the door and invite us in?"

Even if they knew it was a trap, they still had to move forward. The supporting team remained at the outer edge of the magnetic field.

"Let's move." Jane walked forward, step by step. He left a deep row of footprint behind him. Casey said nothing. He simply gathered his terminal equipment and followed behind him.

As they reached the entrance, Jane stopped abruptly and coldly spoke. "Xiao, Casey, connect your wireless terminals."

As soon as his curt command pierced the frigid air, he pressed his palm against the door panel. His biological readings were instantly recognized and they heard a "welcome home" chime from overhead. The greeting was delivered in Claire's voice. Casey's shoulders slumped and the door slowly opened revealing a wide deep channel ahead of them. The cold wind whipped through the passage, whistling eerily through the gloomy opening.

Jane unsheathed his blade and lifted his foot to move forward. Casey went to grab him, but he had already stepped through the threshold. The entire passage lit up.

"IS this a welcome?" Mark scratched his head bewildered.

"He wouldn't let us enter so easily." Casey snorted and then lowered his eyepiece to scan the walls.

"There is a laser weapon affixed to the wall. No matter how good your healing abilities are, it will cut you to pieces. Not even God can save you from such an attack."

"Hm a laser. How old fashioned. I figured he would just fire a missile at us head on." Winn grabbed a silver wing from his belt and threw it into the hall. The lasers deployed and the small weapon was cut into small metal fragments.

"So how do we pass through??"

Jane laughed at Winn. "Obviously we have to destroy the lasers."

His words had no sooner left his mouth when Heine removed his condensation gun and began assembling it. In less than a second, he held the weapon and rushed into the passageway.

"Heine!" Xiao anxiously moved forward when Jane suddenly shoved him back. Xiao was knocked into Casey's arms.

"Do you thing Heine and Jane can't handle this?

As they moved into the channel, the laser shot off in a gridded mesh like pattern. Once it hit its target, the destruction was horrific.

Winn stood to the side of Xiao. Heine stepped off the wall and twisted in the air. The laser passed along his arm, nearly severing his limbs. Suddenly the trigger of the gun pressed down and the laser weapon was destroyed. The minute Heine landed he shot off several more shots at a different angle.

Xiao's heart was tight and tense. His brain calculated the angle of Heine's attack. Heine seemed to have an almost instinctual understanding of the strategy needed. Before Xiao could even think Heine had bypassed the first laser and destroyed it before it could track his movements, then maneuvered himself to take out the third laser.

Jane's approach is more direct and crude. He reflects the laser off his blade and uses the altered beam to take out the other lasers. His weapon's material is able to deftly redirect the beams. Casey must have designed his sword.

Xiao pulled out his gun and looked over at Casey. As their eyes met, an understanding swept between them. It was impossible for Heine and Jane to take out all the lasers. The passage is simply too long.

Winn did not stop Xiao's advance, but quickly followed him inside.

Xiao ability to fire rapidly and accurately is top notch even among the special missions troops. Because the lasers do not emit a natural heat signature, the condenser gun cannot automatically lock on to the weapons and must be manually aimed. The further Heine and Jane head into the passage, the more dense the laser spread becomes. The speed of the weapons gathers and Xiao must quickly eliminate the danger and reduce the burden on them. Within a couple seconds, Xiao shoots off two shots and the blasts pass beside Heine's ear to lodge into a distant wall. Within a minute Xiao had eliminated the lasers along their route as they reached the end of the passageway.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now