Chapter 60 Your Own Battlefield

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Xiao Yan knew that no matter how beautiful the land appeared beneath him looked, it was a cruel and inhospitable environment. The average wind speed was over 18m/s and the temperature could plunge below minus 88 degrees C. When walking on ice, it was crucial to stay alert for any cracks or fissures else the next step could be one's last

They passed through the large glaciers to a huge ice sheet. This was where the base was established. It had obviously been hit hard in the attacks. The base was severely damaged; the south tower turret was almost completely demolished.

Xiao couldn't help but let a sad sigh escape his lips, to think that the Surge had really managed to bring down this base.

The guidance channel platform was damaged and so they had no choice but to land by slamming down atop the base. Heine signaled everyone to exit the craft. Mark unlatched the door to the cabin and the frigid air immediately filled the craft with a whoosh. Xiao Yan's face scrunched against the wind's brutal blow and the chill spread up his nasal cavity and into his lungs, seizing his breath in ice.

Liv pulled something from a pocket on her thigh and pressed it to Xiao Yan's face. Suddenly the biting cold eased.

Liv had placed a constant temperature agent, developed for the armed forces on him. The substance can temporarily protect his skin from extreme temperatures.

Liv smiled slyly. "Don't freeze your face, someone loves it dearly."

"What?" Xiao had reached the door and was checking the slide rope as he prepared to jump.

Liv shook her head.

Xiao Yan took a breath and jumped down carefully following his training. The wind pounded against ears, and the speed of the fall halted his heart.

When he reached a certain height, he decided to adjust his hold on the rope. He increased the friction and his fall slowed until he calmly landed on his feet.

Heine just stood there looking at him.

"Colonel." Xiao had to admit that he was more than a little nervous. On the other missions he had been taken down from the aircraft by Heine.

"Hm." Heine nodded and turned to enter the channel.

The ground level of the base had lost operation. Heine's troops entered through the basement. They were greeted by the base's Commander, Colonel Luther. He was older than Shen Bing with short flaxen hair and impossibly pale skin.

He saluted Heine and then scanned the other special forces.

"Colonel Burton. All of my people are ready to evacuate. The research data has been encrypted and extracted. We have also taken one last sample of the Comet virus. When will the research team arrive? I will personally guide them to the final field analysis."

"Xiao Yan." Heine gestured toward Xiao.

Xiao moved forward to salute the Colonel. "Colonel, I am Xiao Yan of the Central Academy of Sciences. I will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the comet virus!"

Luther was shocked. He stared at the young man in front of him and was immediately enraged.

"Colonel Burton! What is the meaning of this?! This is the last opportunity we have to analyze the comet virus. The Shire should have sent an entire team, instead all I get is a student elite. They dare send me a rookie!"

Faced with Colonel Luther's wrath, Xiao Yan did not know what to say. Does this mean he won't have a chance to analyze the virus?

"I only protect useful people."

Heine's expression was cold and flat. There were no fluctuating tones in his voice.

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