Chapter 28 I Can Take You Away

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"It is a ground spiral missile, only such a missile can produce such an effect. " Xiao Yan said.

"What... what..." Lily was dumbfounded.

Ground based spiral missiles do not immediately explode upon contact with the ground, instead they burrow in for several meters before they detonate. The power of one ground spiral missile is immensely powerful.

To limit the damage from such attack The Shire and its bases are reinforced with special alloys, this limits the destruction to the upper levels. Underground facilities can withstand the blast, but the damage above remains enormously substantial.

"This room is above the ground." Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed.


"We have to hurry and find a channel that leads underground."

Lily started to panic, her body shaking as she took in the situation.

This is the enemy's strategy. All evacuation routes on the base are double door lock system. We can open the first on our own, but to prevent the enemy from following us past the first door, the base will have to shut down the second leading to the underground. That will force us between the two passages where we will be killed."

"No... No... will it be?" Lily voice stutters as she struggles to maintain any composure.

"Everything has been blown apart at ground level. The gates, the barriers, we're no longer secure from the outside. So who do you think our enemy is now?"

Lily stepped back at the implications of his words, her legs began to wobble and she fell to the ground. Her voice was flat as though she had exhaled her soul.


"Is there a terminal in this room?"

Xiao Yan jumped from the bed, but his sense of balance was still shaky, he immediately crumpled to the floor. He shook his head as his eyes struggled to focus.

Lily suppressed her horror and stepped forward to help Xiao up.

"Even if there is... I don't think we can connect."

"As long as there is a wireless frequency, we will be able to enter the system. We must see what the situation is outside. Since this room is still intact, we must not be located at the center of the blast zone."

They found the terminal Lily started to say something but Xiao had already affixed the helmet and connected to the system.

With all the data running at such fast pace, Xiao Yan struggles to find frequencies that are still available amid the chaos. Although the base is old, thanks to Shen Bing's management, the terminal system is quite advanced. The design includes a wide variety of functions and processing applications enhanced by various fields of study including physics and chemistry.

Xiao Yan has finally linked the room to the terminal.

"There is still surveillance outside the hallway."

As soon as Xiao Yan spoke, the situation was projected on the wall for them both to see.

Lily breath lodged in her throat at the sight, her eyes shaking as she scanned the image.

The passage was full of zombies. They stumbled, crawled and ran along the walls that had not yet collapsed.

Bodies of those that had not taken refuge are littered throughout the passage. The zombies are all over them, tearing off their flesh and devouring it with in a ferocious frenzy.

Lily hands clasp over her mouth, through her horror she barely chokes out a strangled cry.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan preventing her from opening the door, she would have met with the same fate. She attempts to still her reeling mind from shattering and gathers her hitching breath. Her voice frays as she asks Xiao Yan, "Now... what do we do?"

"Send a distress signal. If we are lucky ... maybe someone will come and save us."

"If...we're not... we'll die in this room, right?"

Xiao Yan's lips tilt up into a smile.

"Lily, there is something I haven't told you." Xiao shift his steady gaze onto Lily's perplexed and scared face.


"You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

Xiao Yan said this extremely solemnity, as though these were the last words he will ever speak.

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