Chapter 71 How Human...

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"I was just standing there. Even if I did jump, it's not like I could swim to land."

Xiao Yan's voice falls blandly, saturated with a strange tone.

"There are many islands around this area but it is at least ten minutes to the nearest island and we are far removed from the mainland. As for the Shire's bases, don't even think about it. It is a waste of time."

Jane's words are infused with a broad smile.

Jane brought him here, not to offer him freedom but to ensure all of his routes were cut off.

Xiao Yan struggled out of Janes arms and walked aimlessly, as though his soul had detached from his body. He mind raced to find an anchor of hope amid the turbulent tides of anxious despair.

Jane had mentioned the aircraft. Thinking about that gradually calms Xiao's heart.

His biggest problem is getting a craft. However, if he really wants to escape, he must first figure out where the island is, then he can focus on how he can get aboard the aircraft. Even if he cannot make it to the Shire, maybe he can reach one of its bases.

"You have really perked up."

Xiao had just made himself a small meal. Jane's sharp gaze seems to pierce right through him. He felt like all of his schemes were exposed in front of those piercing eyes.

"Why are you always thinking about such bothersome things? Just consider it a holiday. There is sunshine, a beach and a sea breeze. I have returned to you a leisurely life that disappeared hundreds of years ago. "

Jane stepped closer and his warm breath wrapped around him. He couldn't help but back up a step until his back was pressed against a tall palm tree.

The shadow cast by the tree shrouded Jane's shoulder and cheeks, giving his visage a mysterious and sinister feel.

"Close your eyes Xiao. This is not stale processed filtered air, it is the actual sea breeze."

Jane's voice is hypnotic, the lazy syllables gain a gravity that pulls him in. Without thinking, Xiao closed his eyes.

Suddenly Jane's lips press against his mouth and his tongue lightly lapped his lips. His tongue dipping into his mouth and retreated. Then Jane pressed his mouth fiercely against his, the kiss gained force as his tongue pushed in, capturing and plundering the inside of his mouth.

His body trembled and all of his senses tightened and screamed. The x-virus lured Xiao Yan in, his reason breaks away and he is unable to rein his thoughts. All that exists is a rabid hunger that eagerly rampages through his blood.

He grabs a hold of Jane's cheek, pressing him tighter against him. He can't seem to satisfy himself, he helps himself to all Jane's mouth offers and Jane's kiss becomes more ferocious and powerful. He changes the angle of contact and skillfully entangles their tongues, ensuring Xiao is perfectly aware who is kissing him, even as he is overwhelmed by the x-virus.

Jane unties his clothes and moves away from Xiao's mouth. He dusted kisses on his cheeks and neck. Tipping his chin up, he smiled seductively. "You are such a bad boy..."

Suddenly Heine's features slice into his thoughts, carving through the fog like a sharpened blade.

His heart feels pierced and pained. He instantly rouses from the effects of the x-virus and slammed his elbow against Jane's cheek.

Jane's easily evades the hit, but does not loosen his hold, he continued to embrace Xiao Yan.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora