Chapter 63 Paralyzed

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Heine's simple response of 'I know' burrows deep into Xiao's thoughts. This simple phrase creates a clear direction and his thoughts begin to orient along a very specific trajectory. Xiao Yan now understands his purpose in life for the very first time. He feels there is a clear meaning to his existence.

Although he is under tight supervision from the special task force, Xiao Yan no longer resents it or longs for life outside.

This new attitude makes Maya very sad.

For example, today the two are sharing a meal at the dining hall as Maya vividly and excitedly describes to him a new high end bar that has opened up in the city. "Oh Xiao you cannot even imagine this place. Its call the Crystal Bar. The bar is actually made of crystal. Crystal! Plus it rotates a full 360 degrees. They even have 12 bartenders performing together."

"Hm." Xiao Yan nodded, obviously not listening to anything Maya is saying.

A disgruntled Maya expressed his discontent by raising his voice, in an effort to coax some excitement from Xiao Yan.

"They also have aerial performers. You should see some of their moves. The level of difficulty is amazing, they pull off tricks that I don't think even our special forces can do. Just wait until your supervision ends. I'll take you out to play on the town. It is even fancier than the Blue Tulip."

"Hm." Xiao Yan lowered his head, he has been chewing the same bite of food continuously for about six solid minutes.

Maya couldn't resist moving Xiao's plate away from him. In his distracted state, he didn't notice at all. He went to take another bite of food and his fork slammed against the table.

It took him another ten seconds to realize something wasn't right. "Ah...where is my plate?"

He finally raised his head up to see Maya looking at him with a very dissatisfied expression.

"Ah...that..Maya...what were you saying?

"I said that Lily, your classmate, passed the exam to become the alternate Liaison officer to General Ervel."

"Oh, good for her!" Xiao Yan's face reveals a pleased expression.

"Just a congratulations? Is that all?" Maya's head lifted in surprise.

Xiao looked at him blankly. Other than congratulations, what else was he supposed to say?

Maya sighed deeply and lowered his head, muttering in exasperation. "Other than research, is there anything else in your head?"

Xiao Yan just smiled in response, right now his thoughts were constantly consumed with his research.

He has never been so eager to find an answer.

As Xiao was processing data in his lab, Gordon and another middle aged man looked over at him from the upper deck observation room.

"So you have been watching him. The first person to approve his initial research report was you." Gordon's hand rested comfortably in the pocket of his military pants. His eyes flicked to the side to glance over at the General.

"It seems your decision was solid to send him on that mission. He was indeed the best person to conduct the final field study." General Ervel's fingers lightly tap against the glass.

"It wasn't that you were wrong, you simply lack the courage to take a risk. That is why I have Heine Burton watching over him. So far Heine has missed nothing win regards to Xiao Yan's safety." As he talked about his favorite subordinate, the General's face broke into a proud smile.

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