Chapter 31

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Chaemin's POV

As soon as Johnny enters the car and starts talking, I almost erupt into laughter. What does this man think he's doing, coming to join the circus?

Minutes after we hit the road, Johnny starts interrogating me about who my bias is. I debate whether or not he's trustworthy and decide to just go with it.

"He's with is right now, and it's not you, Johnny. His hair is blue, and he's sitting to my left. I met him on an airplane," I describe. It can't get any more obvious than that. I literally just told him who it was without actually mentioning a name.

"Your secret is safe with me," Johnny promises with a wink. I swear, if he tells anybody, especially Taeyong, I'm going to throw hands. Well, maybe not.

"Wow, thanks," I respond.

"You know, this morning, Doyoung went running into Taeyong's room to tell him that the ghost from our old dorm was back," Johnny randomly says.

"Oh, interesting," I comment, confused as to why he's telling me this.

"Then he asked Haechan where Taeyong went, and Haechan told him that he was out with his new girlfriend," Johnny continues.

I almost choke on my own saliva. "What?"

"Yeah, and you know what's even better?" he continues.

"I don't think I want to kn-" I start, but get cut off by him.

"He said it in front of everyone. Like, the whole dorm. Don't worry, it was only the 5th floor residents. But now everyone thinks you guys are dating," he tells me.

I sigh at the audacity of the young child, glancing over to see if Taeyong picked anything up. To my surprise, he's leaning against the window with his hood up and his AirPods case in his hands. Maybe he got tired.

"What am I supposed to do?" I sigh, turning my attention back to Johnny.

"Well, there's kind of nothing you can do about it," he replies unhelpfully.

"At least it's not like the whole group knows about it," I say, trying to be positive.

As if on cue, Johnny and Taeyong's phones simultaneously start going off with a whole chain of notifications.

Taeyong ignores all of the messages, while Johnny moves to take a look at the messages.

"Don't look at your phone while driving," Taeyong mumbles from my left.

Johnny rolls his eyes and puts his phone away. But at the next stoplight, he takes it right back out again. I study his facial expression. It starts out confused, then slowly spreads into a smile, and then a frown.

"Um, actually, what did you just say?" he asks.

"That it's not like the whole group thinks we're dating?" I answer, confused by his behaviour.

"Well, about that... Um, the group chat may or may not have just exploded congratulating Taeyong," he explains.

My heart drops into my stomach. I bet a million dollars that this was the work of Haechan. If I ever meet that kid again...

"Well... That's not very good, is it?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Yeah. But like, is it true?" Johnny inquires, sounding curious.

"What do you think, considering Haechan was the one who told all of you about it?" I ask, slightly exasperated.

"Um, yes?" he responds.

"Um, No, is the answer. I literally just met him, what do you think?" I continue.

"Oh, whoops. I mean, I kind of figured, since Taeyong isn't usually this nice to people if he just met them," he says, turning onto my street.

I try not to smile out of happiness because Taeyong is being nicer to me than usual. I feel very very special right now. 

"We're here," Johnny announces, switching back to the language that we can all understand. His chauffeur accent is also back.

"Thank you for the ride," I say, bowing a few times when I get out of the car.

"I'll be your professional chauffeur anytime. It's actually kind of fun talking to you," Johnny says, smiling.

"Really?" I ask, surprised by his confession.

"Yeah!" he answers.

"Thanks! Bye! Bye, Taeyong!" I call, waving as I step into the lobby of my apartment building. I see Johnny wave back, but he drives off before I can see Taeyong.

I step into the elevator, wondering why Taeyong is acting all sad. Does he feel left out? I hope not. I make a mental note to try and include him more if I ever end up in a car with him and Johnny again.

I unlock the door to my apartment, take off my shoes, and flop onto the couch. Jet-lag really is catching up to me. Again.

I drift off to sleep, thinking about the eventful day that I had.


Happy Holidays, everyone!

Thank you for reading!

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