Chapter 20

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Taeyong's POV

Yep, that would be Chaemin. No doubt about it. I even recognize her style - hoodie and jeans.

Wait a second, why am I excited again? Probably just me being excited to see fans that I've seen before. Yep, that's it.

"Taeyong hyung!" A voice to my right says, and I turn my head to see Chenle looking at me.

"What are you looking at? Also, there's a fan in front of you," he points out, before turning back to the album that he's signing.

I glance up and notice a fan, patiently waiting for me to talk to her. Whoops.

I quickly apologize and then hold a quick conversation with her, signing her album, too. The next lucky fan comes down the line, and I do the same for her.

The next time I glance up, I see a familiar face looking at me.

"Hi, Chaemin," I say, unconsciously smiling as she slides her album across the table.

"Uh, h-hi, Taeyong, how are you?" she stutters. "D-do you remember me?"

Do I remember her? Yes, I remember her. "Well, I remember your name, so I guess, yes?" I answer humorously, uncapping my marker and signing her album.

I suddenly have an urge to know more about her. From the few hours that I've known her, I feel like she's a really nice person to know.

So, before I can think about it, I scribble my number under her name and then blow on it a little and close the album. I know I'm probably breaking some kind of rule, but too bad.

"O-okay. This is my first concert, and I really enjoyed it," Chaemin says, changing the topic.

"Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed it," I say with a smile, sliding the album back over to her.

"Thank you for working hard, and please take care of yourself!" She bows and then moves down the table.

Then the next fan comes along, and I start signing their album.

~Time Skip~

The event is over now, and I'm in a van with the rest of the members. Yes, we had to rent out a really large van.

"Uh, Taeyong, I have a question," Jisung suddenly says from behind me.

Turning around, I say, "Yea?"

"Uh, why was your number in one of the albums that I signed?" he asks, nervously drumming his fingers on the back of my seat.

I gulp. I should have realized that someone would find what I wrote before Chaemin did.

I'm considering simply denying what Jisung mentioned, but then I decide against it. "Um, because I wanted to get to know her?" I answer.

"Taeyong hyung wants to get to know a fan?" Haechan yells from the back of the van. Oh, great. Now everyone knows. Thanks, Haechan. Immediately, the whole vehicle erupts into chaos.

"Do you know that person?" Doyoung asks, looking annoyed at how loud the van is.

"Uh, yeah? I met her on the plane earlier this week," I answer honestly.

"YOU KNOW HER? How lucky does a fan like her get?" Yuta asks, shaking his head.

"I know, right? I never knew that Taeyong was interested in fans," Ten comments from in front of me.

"Can you guys be quiet?" I ask, not wanting to discuss the topic any further. Unfortunately, when this group gets excited, they don't calm down.

I take a deep breath and prepare to be interrogated within 5 seconds.

"Who is she?"

"What's her name?"

"Do you like her?"

"How long have you known her again?"

"Wait, how did you meet her again?"

"You know you're not supposed to give her your number, right?"

"Are you okay? You're confusing me."

"You're an idol, Taeyong, you know?"

"How old is she?"

"What does she like to do?"

"Is she from Korea?"

I sigh and decide to just answer a few of their questions, before the situation escalates more.

"Guys, be quiet. Her name is Chaemin, and I met her on a flight earlier this week. Alright, the end. Please calm down," I say, then pull up my hood and put in my AirPods.

This is going to be a long ass ride.


Thank you for reading!

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