Chapter 70

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Taeyong's POV

"Are you okay?" Doyoung asks, approaching me with a camera in his hand. Seeing my confused expression, he adds, "The camera's not on."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I respond, checking the time. Five minutes until we're back on stage.

"No, I think you're sad that Chaemin's not paying attention to you," he corrects me.

"Me? Jealous? Haha, no," I reply, waving it off. Okay, maybe I am a little jealous, but I would never admit that.

"Whatever you say," Doyoung shrugs, obviously not believing me.

"But seriously, do you think that she's mad at me?" I ask, a little worried.

"No, she's definitely not. I mean, you have to understand, there are 23 of us, and this is more of a formal thing, you know? We're working," he reasons.

"Oh yeah, that makes sense," I nod.

"And she might just be playing with you, who knows," he adds with a laugh.

"And that makes even more sense," I agree. That girl has been hanging around Haechan a little bit too much, in my opinion.

"Anyways, Jealous Boy, I'm gonna go film some stuff for the behind the scenes!" Doyoung announces, waving and heading off. I scowl at the nickname. Three more minutes.

For the remaining time, I watch Chaemin as she scurries about, making sure that we're all ready. 

Somewhere during that time, Johnny decides to call Chaemin "Chae". I make sure to let him know that Chae is my nickname for Chaemin, and I'm already certain he's just trying to get under my skin. Another person to protect Chaemin from.

"Alright, you're on!" one of our managers tells us. I start heading towards the door and notice Chaemin standing there, cheering us on.

As I pass her, I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, just for revenge. I catch a glimpse of her flustered face before focusing on the performance.

"That was smooth," Jaehyun comments from behind me as we get into position for the choreo. He actually looks a little impressed.

"Um, thanks," I laugh at his statement that I'm going to interpret as a compliment, and then the music starts.

~Time Skip~

"Let's go!" I call, herding the rest of NCT out the door. The show went very smoothly, and now we can go home.

"Wait a moment!" Jungwoo calls, slipping on his jacket, and then dramatically yelping as I lightly shove him out the door.

I raise my head and count everybody to make sure that we're all here.

"Wait a moment, there's only 23 of us, but there should be 24 of us because Chaemin is with us! Where is the last person?" I panic, counting everyone again.

Doyoung gives me a skeptical look and asks, "Did you count yourself?"

"I can't remember," I sigh, then count everyone again, making sure to include myself. "Oh wait, we're all here. Never mind, let's go."

Johnny hyung immediately starts trying to clown me for my mistake, so I beckon for the group to follow me down the hallway towards the main door so we can go home.

"Also, you're not mad at me, right?" I ask, falling into step next to Chaemin.

"What? Why would I be mad at you?" she asks, looking confused.

"Um, I don't know, you were kinda avoiding me?" I respond, my voice faltering a little.

"Is Taeyong jealous?" she gasps in realization.

"No no no, let's just go," I reply, taking her hand and pulling her towards the huge sliding doors of the company building we're in.

"Wait, you have to tell me if you're-" She gets cut off by the screams of a crowd outside. Wait, since when were these people here?

"I think she's the one!" one of the shrieks, hurting my ears. I try to locate the voice but only hear the panicked voices of my managers.

My gaze sweeps over the crowd of people, most of them filming with their phones. What's going on? Why are they here?

I think this is bad.


Ooh drama we love drama

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