Chapter 45

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Taeyong's POV

Did Chaemin just singlehandedly save us from disaster? Yes, yes she did.

That may be a little overexaggerated, but the point is, Chaemin is a nice person and I think we can trust her. Even if the execution of her plan wasn't exactly... smooth.

Like, she didn't even name a Kpop group, and yet the Eunhae girl believed her? How stupid does she have to be? I think she's just blinded by her obsessiveness.

According to what I picked up from their arguments, Chaemin and Eunhae used to be best friends, and then Chaemin came to Korea and met us. Eunhae got jealous and completely changed to impress us, going to some extreme measures. And now Chaemin hates her.

That girl, Eunhae, reminds me of that flight attendant from so long ago, obsessive and rude. I mean, I'm pretty sure they're not the same people, but the similarity is scary.

I'm not sure why someone would change themselves just to get to someone else, but who knows what goes on inside the head of psychopaths.

"I hope this works out," Doyoung mutters from my right, clearly doubtful of Chaemin's acting skills.

"I think it'll work. I mean, how hard could it be, tricking someone like that Eunhae girl?" Haechan snorts, rolling his eyes in disapproval of Eunhae.

"Alright, can we, like, get you all out of here?" I request, tired of the noise and chaos.

"Fine, we'll go. Manager nim said he would pick us up soon anyways," Jeno agrees, pulling the Dreamies with him to get their shoes and jackets on. We bid farewell to them, hoping that they won't encounter any crazy fans.

Soon, WayV also departs, leaving the 10th floor residents to head up to their dorm.

I spend some time cleaning everything up, enjoying the peace and quiet, then return to my room. These past few days have been pretty hectic, with all of the drama, and I want some sleep.

Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to get that stuff when somebody comes knocking at your door every five seconds. Like now.

"Taeyong! Can you open the door, please?" the voice of Johnny hyung calls from the other side of the door.

"What do you want?" I sigh, hauling myself out of bed to open the door that Johnny is fully capable of opening by himself.

"So, I heard that you were going on a date with Chaemin tomorrow?" he comments mischeviously, walking in with a pile of food.

I look at him in surprise. "How did you... learn about that?" I ask, trying to think of any ways that I could have possibly leaked information to him.

"Hm? Oh, Doyoung told me. Was I not supposed to know?" he questions.

I sigh in disappointment. There's nobody I can trust these days. "I... am not going on a date with her," I defend myself.

"You aren't? I thought you were going to a museum together," he responds. I eye the bag of dried sweet potato that he's opening on my bed.

"We're hanging out," I clarify.

"We're hanging out," Johnny mocks me.

"Tell me why you're here in the first place?"

"Me? I got bored, so I'm here to ask you for all of the tea, duh."

"Well, the 'tea' that you want is that Chaemin and I are going to a museum to learn about Korean history tomorrow, and you're not invited."

"That's boring."

"Yes, and I have no idea why you wanted to learn anything about it in the first place."

"Alright, are you going to take her to get food?"

"I'm going to improvise, okay?"

"Fine, Mr. Boring," Johnny hyung sighs before walking out with all of his snacks.

But our conversation did get me thinking, though. Should I actually be trying? Like, we're just hanging out though, right?

I shrug and decide that I should at least book a place for dinner, since I have nothing better to do, now that my nap has been interrupted.


Yo happy 19k!!! Thank you for all of the support 💚

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