Chapter 25

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Chaemin's POV

OMG, I'm going to be late to the bakery, somebody come save me.

I scramble into my closet, picking out a random hoodie and jeans again. Is my outfit boring? Well, nobody cares. Maybe I do, but I don't have time to look all elegant.

I throw on my clothes, check to make sure that I have money, my phone, and keys, then grab a jacket and leave the apartment.

After taking the elevator down to the lobby, I step outside and get hit with a blast of cold air. I almost run back inside to the warmth of my apartment, but why would I do that and make Taeyong wait? Yeah, I would be insane.

Pulling on my hood, I start walking in the direction of the shop, looking down at the sidewalk.

Suddenly, I bump into something, or rather somebody. Looking up, I see the face of a man who looks a little older than me.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I gasp, bowing in apology.

"No problem, I should've looked where I was going, too," the stranger apologizes.

"It's fine. Have a nice day!" I say, starting to walk around him.

"Where are you going?" he asks, stepping in front of me to block my path.

"None of your business. Now, can you please kindly get away from me?" I answer, prepared to smack him in the face if necessary.

"Sheesh, I'm sorry," the man mutters, rolling his eyes and stepping aside. He sure picked the wrong person to stalk.

"Wow, thanks a lot," I sigh, finally able to continue on my way. Realizing that the creepy man took a lot of my precious time, I pick up my pace.

Reaching the shop, I open the door, able to enter a warm building at last. I see that I'm just on time, not late at all. I inhale deeply - This shop smells heavenly.

However, looking around, I spot a person in a black cap and mask waving at me from a table all the way in the corner. Guess he was here early.

I greet him and sit down across from him, hands sweating in nervousness. It's not every day that a fan gets to sit down with Taeyong in a bakery all alone.

When he tells me to drop the formalities, I almost gasp in surprise, then tell myself to calm down and act normal.

"So, what are you planning to order?" I ask Taeyong, eyeing the menu above the counter with interest. How did my mom not buy the whole bakery?

"I don't know, it's been a long time since I came here," he answers. "That's why I need your recommendations. I have a lot of food to buy."

"Hm, the donuts are really good, as we both know," I suggest, starting to get more comfortable as my nerves calm down a little.

"Yeah, Yuta said the bagels and brownies were good too," he adds thoughtfully.

After we come up with a list of baked goods for Taeyong to buy, he types it all into his phone so he won't forget anything.

"Do you want anything?" Taeyong asks, standing up to order.

"No, I'm good. I already had breakfast," I answer politely, discreetly eyeing the vanilla latte in another customer's hand.

"Okay," Taeyong shrugs, heading towards the counter to make his order.

A minute later, he comes back to our table, tucking his credit card back into his wallet. 

"It usually takes shops forever to get everything for me," he warns. Group leader problems.

"It's fine, I have nothing to do," I assure him.

Suddenly Taeyong's phone starts ringing. "One second," he tells me, answering the call. I look away and respectfully try to refrain from eavesdropping.

"Oh my goodness Haechan, what do you want?" I hear Taeyong sigh in annoyance. I suppress a smile, already imagining all of the things the 127 maknae could need.

"Can you please not, Haechan? Have you ever heard of privacy before?" Taeyong continues, scolding Haechan.

"No, I'm not doing that," he groans, making my curiosity grow.

"Dude, you can't threaten me like that!" he exclaims. I seriously wish that I could hear the other end of the conversation, since Taeyong's words aren't very revealing.

"Fine, I'll ask," he mutters, hanging up. Ask what? To who? Me? No way.

"That was Haechan," he sighs, rolling his eyes. I laugh, amused.

"It's not funny!" Taeyong exclaims indignantly, playfully glaring at me.

"I-I'm sorry," I gasp, still laughing.

"Order 127!" a worker calls from the counter. Taeyong goes to the counter and takes two large bags from the worker, filled with food for the members.

"Oh, I got you a vanilla latte," he mentions, setting down a cup in front of me.

"Wait, you didn't have to," I say in surprise, hesitantly accepting the drink from him.

"I saw you looking at it," he grins mischievously, making me cover my face in embarrassment. I thought I was being slick.

"Plus, it's just a small drink compared to all of this stuff," he adds, gesturing to the two bags on the floor next to him.

"Thank you," I smile gratefully, taking a sip of the drink. Wow, it's good, as expected. I'm starting to feel normal around Taeyong, like he's just a normal friend. 

Really, I'm just surprised by how human-like he is in real life. I guess I consider myself pretty lucky to get to see this side of him.

I look up from my drink and see Taeyong fidgeting with his fingers nervously.

"Do you want to say something?" I ask, confused as I stir my drink with my straw.

"Um, I don't really have anything to say, Haechan had a question to ask you," he answers.


Chaemin's savage side is coming out 😏

Thank you for reading!

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