Chapter 57

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Chaemin's POV

"So, I really like you."

I blink a few times in disbelief. Wait, he likes me too? Thinking back, it kind of makes sense. So that's what this whole thing is about...

"I like you too, Taeyong," I admit, gathering my courage to look up and send him a smile.

"Wait, really?" he asks as if in disbelief. Does he really think that I could possibly not love him? Man, I've liked him since his existence was known to me, for years now.

"So... will you be my girlfriend?" he asks hopefully, finally meeting my eyes.

I obviously say yes, and then everything erupts into chaos caused by the one and only NCT. Good, because obviously, our relationship isn't going to be the kind that is insanely romantic.

Yangyang brings Taeyong a bouquet of flowers, which was supposed to be passed to him a while ago, which in turn is given to me. There's even a vase for it on the table. Wow, how professional.

"Sorry, we only have premade foods here," Doyoung informs us. That's what I expected. It's too hard for them to have enough food to actually give us a menu, and there's only two of us.

It's the thought that counts, though, so I don't mind.

Kun emerges from a vehicle that I didn't notice before. To my relief, he's the one carefully balancing two plates of bulgogi and walking towards us. Thank goodness, or else I'd be concerned for our dinner.

"This is actually really good!" I comment once he's served it to us.

"Thanks, we ordered it from-" Jungwoo says, covering his mouth once he realizes that he's exposing the whole operation.

"Did you set all this up by yourself, too?" I ask, admiring the lace tablecloth in front of me. It'd be impressive it they actually did it.

"Yes, the tablecloth in front of you was purchased from France, while that bouquet of flowers is hand picked from a field in the United States, and the rose petals brought from Japan!" Yuta responds smoothly.

I almost believe him because of how naturally he said it, as if he was spitting nothing but facts, but then I remember all of the times I've watched him effortlessly make up these stories.

"Impressive!" I laugh, playing along.

"So, I guess I'll be saying thank you!" Taeyong interjects. "You did a pretty decent job at this, and everything worked out."

"You're very welcome," Kun smiles proudly while Yuta shrugs and ends the short roleplay.

Suddenly, all of the fairy lights go out, leaving us in complete darkness, save for the littlest sliver of moonlight filtering through the tree branches overhead.

"Uh, what's going on?" I ask, pausing with my fork to my lips.

"What happened?" I hear Taeyong ask, also in confusion.

A flame suddenly appears directly in front of us, scaring me. "WHAT IS THAT? PLEASE, NOT AN ARSONIST!" I exclaim in fear, covering my face.

"Wait wait wait, calm down, it's just me," the reassuring voice of Kun comes through the darkness. A second later, a second flame appears and the first one is blown out.

The floral scent of a burning candle wafts through the air, and I uncover my face to find a small circle of darkness illuminated by the candle burning on the table in front of me. I sigh in relief.

"Oops!" Haechan's voice cuts through the air, his dark silhouette rushing towards us in the darkness. I see, I see.

"I accidentally tripped over a wire," he pants, gesturing to the direction that he ran from.

"Please, the date almost got ruined!" Kun sighs, dashing off to do something. A minute later, the lights come back on, and we can see again.

"Haechan?" Taeyong calls. I pick up a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Um, sorry?" the younger apologizes.

"Listen, you know I barely ever get mad at you, but can you please try to be careful? And also make your apologizes sincere?" Taeyong sighs.

"Okay, I'll behave for the rest of your date with your girlfriend," he promises, putting emphasis on the word "girlfriend".

Right, Taeyong is my boyfriend now. That's amazing. It's unbelievable, even just thinking about it. And I also have no idea if Haechan is deliberately trying to get himself in trouble, but if I were Taeyong, I would have taught him a good lesson a long time ago.

"You do realize that teasing me doesn't make anything better, right?" Taeyong sighs. "I might have to ground you again." The patience.

"I'm not your child, you can go have some of those with your girl-" Haechan starts, but then cowers in fear as Taeyong slowly stands up, still calm as ever. The fact that he's still so calm is actually a little intimidating.

"Haechan," he begins sternly, leaning forwards with his hands on the table, taking a few deep breaths. Before he can say anything else, the 127 maknae is already off, sprinting down the path and disappearing into the darkness.

"Sorry, I usually don't get mad at him, he was just crossing some lines," Taeyong sighs, shaking his head and sitting back down.

"It's all good, I get it," I laugh, and then we get back to eating.


(I made the Haechan thing kinda mild because I've done quite a bit of ruining of moments)

Tysm for 40k reads and 1k votes! Love y'all 💚

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