Chapter 40

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"It looks sad" 

"It looks disgusting" I say in repulse

"That too" Drew replies 

"It's the eyes, its like its staring right into my soul" 

"It's dead, all its staring time is over" Drew says sadly. Drews a hard core vegetarian, much to her families annoyance. 

"Still though, it's creepy" I reply while taking the pigs head out of the oven 

"How much time do we have?" I ask Drew

"About an hour, Dasha said I need to leave at 8:30 though" Drew replies looking at the oven clock

"Okay" I say while I put the pigs head on the platter. I go into a whisper, "Okay, so tomorrow we are getting out of here, tell the others but don't talk loudly because they might be listening, also make sure non of the cameras can see you when your speaking because they will be able to lip read." 

"Okay, I will" Drew replies, as we both crouch around the pigs head so that the cameras can't see our faces. 

"Whats the plan?" Drew asks

"I don't want to tell you everything yet just incase they do find out somehow but just wait in your room. Somebody will come find you, it could either be by the window or through the building but just be aware. When we get out of the building that is only the start of it so don't run off. I found out that there are land mines all around the building so we will have to be careful. We will be with other people but we will all be split up in different groups to make it harder for anybody to catch us, so don't be scared if we get told to seperate." 

Drew looks at me worried, "Land mines?" Is all she manages to get out 

"Yeah, also they have sniper towers but they hopefully won't be a problem" 

"Okay" Drew says slowly, "Okay. Do you know if Alessandro will be coming?" 

"I'm not sure, I think he will be though" 

"Okay good" Drew says with a sigh of relief

"How did that go? In Scotland?" I ask genuienlly wondering

"Good" Drew says with a smile, "He would sometimes pick me up after school, he's started going to night university as well, after he's finished work. And he's met Mum, she said that he seems good."

"What's he studying to become?" I ask surprised that one he is going to university and two that Drews' mum approved of him 

"Something with maths, i can't quite remember what it is though, he's really smart, like top of his class" Drew says, her eyes looking almost proud


"What was that?" Drew whispers,

I look round behind me and down the hall

"I think it was the elevator, crap what time is it?" I ask, trying to see who it was

"It's only 7:40" Drew says, looking worried 

"Oh crap" I say under my breath 

"Who is it?" 

"Igor" I say with disgust

"Liiiiiaaaaaaaa" a heavily drunk voice bounds 

"What do we do?" Drew asks me

"I-I don't know. Go that way" I say pointing towards the bedroom door, " then go through the bathroom and through the other door in the bathroom, it will take you back into the hallway, then go into the elevator and just go downwards and find someone to ask for Dasha. I think thats safest. I don't know if Igor knows that your here and i don't want to surprise him" I say worried

"Liiiiaaaaa, where are youuuuu?" Igor's drunk Russian accent yells through the apartment 

"Go!" I whisper to Drew and she hurries off

"I'm in the kitchen" I say, secretly hoping that he won't hear but then again hoping that he will so that Drew can get out 

"Ahhhh, there you are" says Igor, leaning against the door frame which looks that it might break due to the intense weight against it

"Yep" I say, my voice small and cautious, "I thought you wern't going to be back until 9?" 

"What can i say, i missed you" he says, advancing drunkingly towards me 

I try to respond but my utter disgust  prevents me from doing so 

"Come here, stop running away from me" he says as i walk away from being in the corner

I reach behind me without letting Igor see and take the knife from the kitchen bench 

"I will when we get married" I say, trying not to throw up at the idea

"No! I don't want to wait, come here!" he stumbles towards me, recking of vodka

It all happend in a second, i barely processed what i was doing. Igor reached for me and i stabbed the knife into his stomach 


Igor tries to hit me but i take another knife and stab him in the heart this time 

He stumbles backwards, grabbing at the bench to try steady himself but to no avail. He slumps down next to the bench 

"You will pay for this" he manages to say before letting out one last breath 

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