Chapter 16

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The elevator doors slide open revealing a very angry Dad.

"Amelia! Why did you not walk up here!" He yells at me

I step out of the elevator and calmly reply

"Dad, I really think you are out of your right mind if you think I was going to walk up 113 floors of stairs when I had already endured a very gruely workout this morning" I say a little sarcastically

"Amelia! Don't push my patience have you forgotten the terms of this agreeme-"

"No, I haven't. But like I said, you were being crazy if you thought that I was going to walk up 113 floors of stairs" I say and walk past him 

"Other way" he shouts out and I turn and walk the opposite direction to where I was originally walking. 

He catches up to me and hands me a piece of paper. 

"A list of all the things you need to do today" he says and we walk around another corner revealing his office and beside his assistants desk there's another desk with a plaque that says my name. 

"This is where you'll be sitting, don't leave it unless you tell Joe where your going" Joe's his personal assistant. 

After my Dad says this I sit down at my desk. It's a white desk facing the world while I sit on an office chair that is backed up next to the wall. There's an apple desk top on the desk, a mouse, a wooden pen holder containing a couple pens and pencils. I open one of the draws of the desk and there is a set of headphones, then I open another one and there is some paper. I open the third one and there is some post-it notes and paperclips and stuff that I will hopefully never use. 

I plug the headphones into the desk top and start watching some Gilmore Girls on Netflix. 

"Amelia! Wake up!" My Dad yells shaking me awake

I sit up a little startled and look at my Dad. He doesn't look too happy. 

"Have you finished everything on the list?" He asks even though he already knows the answer, ugh I hate it when people do that. 

"No" I reply smiling, "I decided to sleep instead, my body feels like it's been hit but three trucks, so, ya know I was tired" I say sarcastically 

"Amelia" My Dad says warning me 

"Dad" I say back trying to be serious 

"Have you forgotten our agreement?" He says through gritted teeth 

"No" I reply sweetly, "No, not at all. It's just I can barely keep my eyes open from having to wake up so early and I really can not be-" 

My Dad walks away from me mid sentence. 

"Uh" I say

I don't follow him because I don't really care. He walks into his office and slams the door shut. Next thing I know three very slutty looking girls walk past me. My mouth hangs all the way to the ground I swear. They shut the door and I'm still just staring at where they were walking. 

About two minuets later Lucas walks up to me. 

"Hey, your Dad texted me to come pick you up. You ready?" he asks 

"Uh, yeah" I say a little confused at what just happened. I mean yeah, I know my Dad is a man-whore but really, in the work place? Even for him that seems inappropriate.

We go outside and into the car. Luckily Lucas has a key card to the elevators and so we don't have to walk down them. Dad took the cleaners one off me. 

"So, how are you feeling?" He asks looking at me sideways as he's driving down a motorway 

"Like I've jumped off a 100 story building" I reply, "Hey where's Leo?" 

"He's with Sophia" 

"Who's Sophia?" 

"Sophia. His daughter" What!?

"His, daughter?" I ask

"Oh yeah, I forgot you wouldn't know. Leo and Madeline had a kid called Sophia, she's nearly one" 

"Wow" I say, "He's seventeen" I say 

"Yeah, it's pretty young. But it works."

"I don't remember anyone called Madeline" 

"Yeah you wouldn't, she's one of the maids daughters that came like four years ago I think. She's 17 now but was only 16 when she had Sophia. She's actually pretty cool" 

"Are they still together?" I ask

"Well, they weren't really together when he got her pregnant but they aren't exactly apart. I think it's complicated." 

"Oh, cool" I say awkwardly, I can't believe that Leo has a daughter, it just seems so weird. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask out of curiosity. I mean I didn't think Leo did but it turns out I must not know much about Leo.

"No. Have you? A boyfriend I mean" 

"No, most of my friends were boys back home but I never liked them like that" 

It's silent for a while 

"I remember you from when we were little. Didn't you have an older sister?" I ask. I could be completely wrong but I'm pretty sure he had a sister about 5 years older than him who's name was something like Maritza or Maddie or something.

"Yeah, I did. Her name was Maria but she died two years ago from a drug overdose" 

"Oh, shit, I'm really sorry" I don't know what to say

"Yeah. She left behind a kid though which sucked" 

"Where's the kid now?" I ask trying to be considerate 

"With his Dad. He's living in London now so I don't really get to see him much" 

"Oh, that sucks" Yeah, I really suck at conversations

When we reach home I go to get a snack from the kitchen. When I walk in there, there is about 20 guys who all look from the ages of 14-18, there are just sitting and standing in the kitchen eating. 

I walk out straight away and bump into Lucas who was right behind me, "Lucas, who are these people?" I ask panicked. I know that a lot of people live in this house but to see twenty of them all sitting in the kitchen is pretty intense. Plus I don't recognise any of them. Like any at all, usually I would recognise someone just from seeing someone at dinner but I don't think iv'e seen any of these guys before. 

Lucas walks past me and looks into the kitchen then walks out again

"Oh, they're just the guys that go to the high school nearby. They usually have parents working with us so most of them live here" He says casually

"Why don't I recognise them then!?" 

"I dunno, you must not be that observant" he shrugs

"I'm very observant. Anyway, can you go in there and get me a snack? Please" I say pleading 

"Ugh, sure. I'll bring it up to you in your room"

"Thank you" I say and leave to start the very long journey up to my bedroom. 

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