Chapter 39

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Yesterday I explained my whole plan to Leo while he added in suggestions here and there, tomorrow we will carry out the plan. But for today I need to sit tight and not let Igor know what's going to happen. 

I can't stop thinking about what he said about there not being enough rooms spare for my friends, its a little thing really that could have been a lie but my gut is telling me something else is happening here. 

Plus, last night Igor came home late, like very late and he seemed more irritable and, I guess more stressed than usual. There could be a number of reasons why he was like that but I just feel like it relates to there not being enough rooms here. But what is in the rooms?

I also want to know what happened to Freya, I can't help but feel responsible for anything bad that might have happened to her because of me, because after all I did make her talk to me. 

Igor has just left but before he did he made sure to say to me in his heavy Russian accent,

'Now my beautiful Lia, be a good bride to be and cook me something flavoursome for tonight, I'll be home by 9, I expect it to be ready then' 

Well he's going to be disappointed, I can't cook to save myself, and I definently can't cook any of the food that I found in the kitchen yesterday. 

But I'll think about that later, right now I need to focus on finding out what is happening here. 

As I sit in the security room I think about how dumb Igor really is, I mean he could of at least locked the door to this room because did he just expect me to not go into it? Or maybe he is just so idiotic that he doesn't believe that I would try to escape again, or even worse, think I want to stay to get married to him. 

I scroll through the security cameras until I find something that makes me feel sick

"Oh my god" I say aloud, my eyes wide, hardly believing what I'm seeing

I think iv'e found what's in those rooms 

I look at the computer screens and can barely believe what I am seeing. 

Hundreds and hundreds of people being kept in different rooms or in big warehouse rooms, none of them looking like they are here by their own will. 

After about another hour of sifting through many many different security cameras I finally find Freya, she looks okay, and by that I mean she doesn't look hurt but she is sitting in a kitchen peeling potatoes looking incredibly miserable and cold.

I think the Russian Mafia is involved in human trafficking 

This is disgusting, this is beyond disgusting this is horrifying. I need to change the plan to help these people.

I ring Leo up again but when he answers this time he is next to my Dad 

"Lia!" My Dad exclaims, I can hear the relief in his voice, "we're coming to get you, by tomorrow night you will be out of that place for good"

"Good, but Dad. I think the Russian Mafia are trafficking people, we need to help these people, they are mostly girls and they are like my age Dad, their just teenagers"

"Okay, okay" he says thinking, "okay keep to your part of the plan and leave the rest up to us. We will find a way to help them"

"Okay good" I say still freaking out over what iv'e just found 

We end the call and I go back to looking on the security cameras, I decide to find Igor to see what kind of illegal thing he is up to 

After a while I find him in a big warehouse sized room. The room is so big that it could fit 20 international airplanes in it, but instead of airplanes being kept there, there are huge shelves and crates filled with all kinds of weapons from guns to knifes, there is even scuba diving equipment with spears attached, it looks like he is getting prepared for an all out war. 

Soon I realise that this isn't even the biggest warehouse containing weapons, from what I can find there are 3 others and another warehouse that does actually have airplanes in it, how is this family affording all of this? The Russian Mafia is big but this is on another level, this looks like something you would find in a government agencies headquarters. 

And why do they even need all these weapons? Who are they using them against because all the enemies that I know about that they have aren't big enough to justify this level of security. 

Most of the rooms are deep underground which actually for me is a really good thing because that means that tomorrow when my Dads mafia and Giovanni's Mafia come they will be able to go downwards and Igor's men will be trapped and have nowhere to go but up which is the best way to have it.

Just as I am thinking that thought I hear a noise, I strain my ears as much as I can to hear what made the noise and then I realise that it was the elevator door. 

As quickly and quietly as I can I get rid of all the evidence of me being in the security room.

I shut the door behind me and run into the kitchen pretending to look through the cupboards. I hear footsteps walking through the apartment but they aren't stomping footsteps like Igor's, they are more dainty and like...

"Lia!" Yells Drew and runs over to hug me 

"Drew? I ask concerned, "how are you here?" I say hugging her back while looking behind her to see who brought her 

"Some lady called Dasha brung me up, she didn't seem too happy about it, apparently I'm meant to help you cook something  because she said that you wouldn't be able to cook" 

"Well she was right haha" I say relived, "How are you? How are the others?"

"We all got moved into a new room which is nicer than those dungeons downstairs but I am so scared, I don't understand Russian but it sounded like when Dasha was talking to this man they were really excited and they kept looking at us then laughing cruelly. How have you been though? I have been so worried about you"

"I've been alright, I hate Igor though, how-" I look down at what's in her hands, "what are you holding?"

"Oh this, it's a recipe book that Dasha gave me, apparently were meant to cook the recipe on page 52" Drew flips through the pages until she gets to page 52 "yuck" she says in disgust 

"What is it?" I ask as she passes the book to me. Roast Pigs Head. "Gross. What! It says it takes ten hours to cook!"

"We'd better get started then" Drew in says disgust while looking at the pigs eyes staring up from her on the page. 

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