Chapter 19

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The cold air rushes against my skin as I step out of the airport. The night air is cold and crisp and when you breathe it, it fills your whole lungs. 

Right now it's 7:45 at night, the sun is going down rapidly and the area around the small town airport feels abandoned because of few little people or cars, but it's not abandoned, there's just not many people in this part of town.

The taxi that I called half an hour ago is waiting to pick me up so I walk over to it and get in.

I say my address and the driver starts driving.

The private plane that my Dad hired for me took me to Aberdeen airport and after that I boarded a small plane to the airport that's one town over from my town.

The car ride takes about 40 minutes until I'm standing in front of my house just about to open the gate to walk down the path to my front door.

But the lights arn't turned on, my Mums car isn't there. Panic spreads through my whole body as I drop my bags and run up to my front step, I try the door but it's locked.

Through the fogged glass i see the house, it looks empty, like my Mum hasn't been there in a long time.

I turn around and look around the front yard. That's when I see it, the for sale sign on the grass with a big red 'sold' covering it.

I've only been gone 3 weeks, how could she do this!

She took the money that my Dad gave her and that hurt but this is different. This makes me feel alone, really alone. She's trying to move on, she's given up on me, she didn't even try to fight for me.

I'm sitting on the front step crying in the cold and darkness, my arms around my knees that are pushed up to my chest. I hate that I'm crying but I can't stop it. I've never felt this alone before, this abandoned.

After a while I stop crying and try to compose myself.

I pick myself up from the ground and take my bag up from the ground where I left it. Blake and Drew live close by so that's where I'm going.

The tears can't stay in my eyes as I walk the short distance to their house. So when I get there, there are still tears falling fast from my eyes.

"Oh my god Lia!" Drew shouts when she opens the door

"Blake, Lia's here!" She shouts behind her and Blake comes running from the kitchen.

Drew pulls me inside and hugs me,

"I missed you so much Lia! How come u didn't call again? Oh doesn't matter, but really I'm confused how come your here? Coz I thought you-"  Drew rambles on until Blake cuts in

"Give her some space to breathe" Blake says as her pulls Drew off me and looks at me

"What happened?" He asks me as we sit down on their couch, Drew grabs the tv remote and turns the tv off. None of our houses are fancy or anything but they are very comfortable to be in.

"Did you know that my Mum sold the house?" I ask and I can tell from their faces that they did.

"She moved out about a week after you left. I don't know where she went" Blake says

"I texted Malcolm and Ivar, their on their way over" Drew says placing her phone beside her on the couch

Blake's on one side of me and Drew's on the other.

Malcom and Ivar don't knock when they come into the house, they know they don't have to.

"Hey Lia" Malcom says casually as he sits down on the bean bag in front of us, facing us.

"Hey Lia, how've you been?" Ivar asks casually and sits down next to Malcom, leaning against the bean bag.

"Are you friggen kidding me!" Drew shouts in amazement, "her Dad kidnapped her and all you have to say is, how've you been?" 

"Yeah?" Ivar asks sounding confused 

"Ugh, boys" She says rolling her eyes laughing, "So anyway, tell us everything that happened, and how come your here?" 

"Eh, later. Are you guys alright?" I ask looking at Malcom, Ivar and Blake, remembering that my Dad put them in hospital

"Yeah, we're fine" Blake says and Malcom and Ivar agree. I look at them then look at Drew, 

"Are they?" I ask her. Drew won't try be brave like the boys will

"Yeah they are now, well, I think Malcom might still be having dreams about that nurse though" she says giggling while Malcom goes bright red

"You said you weren't going to tell anyone Drew" He says sounding a bit frustrated 

Drew shrugs laughing

"Well now you've got to tell me" I say 

"And us" Ivar says too, meaning him and Blake.

So the rest of the night carries on like that. Us just all catching up. I end up telling them everything that happened and I feel like now a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. 

I end up staying the night there on the couch with Drew while Blake was on the other couch and Malcom was on the armchair and Ivar was on the bean bag (Ivar lost the coin toss with Blake).

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