Chapter 18

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"What?" I shout

"If you don't want to run the business then I can just find a suitable husband for you that will! And soon." He states plainly

"I'm 16!" I shout in disbelief

"Yes but I could die at any moment so the faster you get a husband the better." He isn't joking

"Fuck you! I'm going back to Scotland, I don't want to be here, I hate it here!" I yell and storm up to my room.

I slam my door shut and run into the closet to get a bag. I fill it with some clothes, a toothbrush, some money, my phone, headphones and my laptop. I get my passport from where I was hiding it in my room and then run back down again. I run to one of the cars and get in, the keys are still in the car so I turn them and start driving.

Ok, so now that iv'e just had a second to calm down I realise that my Dad didn't even try to stop me, he just let me go. I'm sure there's some kind of plan of his that will fuck up mine but right now I'm just focussed on getting to the airport.

I look in the rear view mirror, no ones following me. Maybe he (my Dad) just realised that there was no point in trying to stop me.

It's a 4 hour drive to the airport and when I get there I walk straight in with my bag and walk right up to the lady at the counter.

"Hi, I'd like to book a flight" I say


When my Mum and I ran away we payed this guy to make us fake passports. I was Lia Diaz which wouldn't have been that hard for my Dad to track it's just we never went anywhere that I needed my passport for that would have been recorded into a computer so we were safe.

"Lia Diaz" I reply

"Oh, Miss Vincentini" so she knew I was coming, great. "your father called ahead, there's a private plane waiting to take you" She replies and starts ringing someone.

What. He's actually sending me back to Scotland?

"Where is its destination?" I ask

"Aberdeen, Scotland" She replies and begins to talk on the phone in Italian.

Huh, weird. I take out my phone from my back pocket and ring my Dad.

"What" He replies gruffly

"You booked me a private plane?" I say back confused, I thought he would try stop me from going home.

"Yes. I needed to make sure you would be safe" So a commercial plane isn't? I say in my head, my Dad's just being extra cautious probably.

"Oh, ok. Thanks"

"Ok, Bye" He says then hangs up.

I board the private plane and sit down on one of the seats . It's not huge like the other one that I was in from Scotland to Italy, it's more like the size of normal private planes but it's still really nice.

I take out my headphones from my bag and my phone from my pocket and start playing music.

The plane takes off just as "when the party's over" by Billie Eilish starts playing.

After a couple of minuets being up in the air, the flight attendant comes over to me offering me a drink. I choose a sprite and she goes to get me one.

"Thanks"I say taking the drink from her, she walks away and I listen to my music again

The rest of the flight was uneventful. I fell asleep for most of it and when I wasn't asleep I was listening to music and dreaming about finally going home and putting this whole thing behind me. 

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