Chapter 24

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"When we get inside be on your best behaviour, and I mean it" My Dad says adding the last bit on when I roll my eyes, "don't talk back to anyone, don't initiate any conversations unless your speaking to me or one of my guys, don't eat or drink anything given to you by anyone other than my guys. And listen and obey to everything that I say." 

"Sure" I say sourly looking out the window of the limousine to the twinkling city below

"Amelia, I'm being serious" He says sounding frustrated 

"I know" I reply and continue looking outside the window.

The ball is at some rich guys house in the hills that is far enough away from the city below that he feel's superior to everyone but close enough that everyone can still see his massive white gleaming mansion and be envious. 

We finally arrive at the house and it is busy with people, the roads up here were deserted so I wasn't expecting this many people here. 

The mansion is bigger than a mansion, it's like the size of a castle with a proper humongous ball room. 

People are everywhere and they seem to be having fun but every so often I'll notice someone looking extremely worried and then covering it up with a smile and drinking some more champagne. 

I'm sitting at a bar between Leo and Lucas, they've been assigned my body guards tonight which Leo isn't very happy about. My Dad chose them because he knew that they would be able to protect me but also because I won't be able to escape them and leave as easily as I would have if he had of just chosen some randoms. 

"Can either of you guys see anyone who looks like they could be Igor?" I ask looking around the crowd. 

"No, but I doubt he'll be in here" Leo says 

"Why?" I ask him 

"Because you father and his are discussing the terms of your marriage right now" Lucas says unenthusiastically 

"What wait? Why aren't I there then?" I say pissed off

"Do you seriously think that your Dad would be okay with you being there causing a scene?" Leo laughs

"Fuck you" I say and jump off the bar stool. I need to go find my Dad. 

This house is massive which right now is a bad thing. Iv'e opened at least 25 doors looking for my Dad but iv'e so far only found people fucking, doing drugs and fighting. 

At the 31st door I open I find what I'm looking for. Leo and Lucas are already waiting by the door when I turn the corner so instead of following me they must have already known where my Dad was. 

"Lia don't go in there" Lucas says while Leo stands in-front of the door blocking my entry. 

"Move" I say to Leo ignoring Lucas

"I said move" I repeat when he doesn't reply

"Get the fuck out of my way!" I scream at Leo

"Shut up your Dad will hear you!" Leo whisper yells

Too late

"Amelia!" He hisses as he opens the door

"Is this the girl?" A old man says with a Russian accent 

"Yes. This is my daughter Amelia. But sadly she won't be staying with us" He says turning to the man then turning back to me, "take her away!" He hisses at Leo who grabs me by the arm 

"I fucking told you not to" Leo says angrily when we are walking down the hall, "why the hell can't you just listen, now your Dad is gonna blame ME for YOUR mistakes!" He whispers yells in my ear because we are walking back into the main ball area.

"They're discussing my future! Did you think I'm just gonna sit around and let them!" I yell at him 

"If you know what's best for you then you will" He says as we walk towards a corner that has some couches. 

We sit down with Leo on one side and Lucas on the other so that 'I can't run away' (Leo's words). 

"You know Lia, you've actually got it pretty good. You can marry and not have to do any real work for the rest of your life! You can just sit around and spend money while you have people to care for your every needs!" Leo angrily whispers to me 

Wow, all my respect and admiration I had for my cousin just went out the window and is replaced with pure hatred. 

"Fuck you Leo, you don't even know what your fucking talking about! Your just-" I start but get interrupted by a guy siting down on the couch opposite us with a heap of other guys

"Leo! I haven't seen you for ages, how have you been!?"

I take this as my opportunity to leave and get up and walk away but not before Leo tells Lucas to follow me. 

"Leave me alone Lucas" 

"You know I can't do that. Where are we going anyway?" Lucas asks as we step outside where all the cars are parked.

"You came in a different car right? Which one was it?" I ask looking out at the hundreds of cars in this massive parking area. 

"I'm not letting you use my car" Leo says laughing

"I'm not going to, you're going to drive" I say and start weaving my way through all the cars. 

"Lia, you can't leave, your Dad will-" 

"I don't care what my Dad will do. And besides he'll probably still be talking for another hour or two so we just have to be back before midnight" I say then add because Lucas still seams wearing, "Look if you don't help me then I'll just steal one of these cars which would most likely cause fights between everyone which my Dad would be even more annoyed at you for"

Lucas considers this for a moment then huffs a "fine" and walks the opposite way 

"Get in" He says when we stop at a black Audi R8, "you are going to get me in so much trouble" he says looking a bit miserable while I just smile in triumph. 

The Mafias DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant