Chapter 36

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A few hours later Dasha comes striding back in holding a long, dark blue dress. My eyes are all puffy from crying and I can hear her snicker at me when she sees.

"Have a shower then get changed, you have ten minuets and no less" she says putting the dress on the bed then slamming the door shut behind her 

I walk into the little ensuite and turn on the shower, just as I am washing my hair I look up and see a camera staring right down at me. My mouth hangs wide open, this is disgusting. My mind instantly goes back to my friends and the situation they are in and I almost feel disgusted for feeling disgusted because I have it so much better than they do.

I quickly finish my shower then step out and get changed into the dress. There is a full length mirror in the bathroom so I can see what I look like. It's actually a really nice dress and I hate that I think that. I want to hate everything about it here, even the clothes they make me wear. 

I put on the black stiletto heels then wobble back to the mirror, I'm usually okay walking in heels if they aren't to high or if they are thick heels but these are excessively high and skinny. 

I hear the door open so I walk back into the room, three girls plus Dasha walk in

"Sit" Dasha commends and I sit on the bed

The girls instantly get to work, one with my hair, one with my makeup and one with my nails. 

Dasha says something in Russian to the girls then walks out of the room, the girl doing my nails subtly rolls her eyes then when she realises I saw her she looks back down at my nails and almost refuses eye contact. 

"What are your names?" I ask them 

The girl doing my hair and makeup don't answer but the girl doing my nails says, 

"They don't speak English" her accent isn't Russian though, I'm not sure where it's from 

"What's your name?" 


"Where are you from?" I ask 

"I'm not supposed to talk to you" she replies after a concerned side look from the girl doing my makeup 

"Where are you from?" I repeat wanting to know why she is here and how she got here


"Why are you here?" 

"My parents owed a debt" 

"Do you want to be here?" 

"I'm not meant to talk to you" She says back

"Are they going to tell on you?" I ask meaning the other two girls

"No. But the people watching you right now will" 

The cameras, I had forgotten about them 

I lean down as if I am going take my shoe off so she can paint the nails, "Do you want to be here? Will you help me get out?" I ask 

"You can't get out, it's impossible, iv'e already tried" she says rushed then starts painting 

If I can get anyone to help me it will be her, she must know her way around and she can speak English and Russian. I just need to find a way to talk to her. I'm still going to carry on with my other plan though because I think I should have as many opportunities as I can possibly have to get out of here with Lucas and my friends.

"Times up" Dasha announces as she walks into the room

Freya hands me a mirror from the makeup girls bag and I look at my face and hair. I actually look really good which makes my heart kind of sink because I don't want Igor to like me. 

"It will do" Dasha tuts, "follow me" she says to me and I struggle to stand up and follow her out in my heels

Luckily for me we only have to walk a little bit until we are at an elevator. We go all the way to the top floor. 

"Out!" Dasha whisper yells at me when the door opens, I walk out then she shuts the door behind me 

I'm in a really nice pent house, one that I would expect to find at a five star skiing hotel, there's no sign of anyone else so I walk to the window and look at the view, I think I am facing the opposite way to the view in my room. The snow goes for miles but in the distance I think I can make out some mountains. 

Suddenly I feel a hand on my neck, not squeezing my neck but a reminder that he can 

"You look very pretty" Igor says in my ear, I try my best to not let the disgust show in my voice

"Thank you" I say and turn towards him to smile, I step back a step expecting his hand to get off my neck but instead it just runs down to my back then he pushes me into him 

"Very pretty" He whispers while staring at my eyes then my chest

I don't reply because honestly I just don't trust myself too. I need him to think I am falling in love with him not that I hate him 

"Come. There is dinner set up in the next room" He says then takes my hand and leads me into a big dinning room with another floor to ceiling window, a huge meal has been set out on the table and the smell of it hurts my stomach because I am so hungry. 

He pulls out a chair out for me to sit on then goes to sit at the opposite end of the table. As soon as he starts putting food on his plate I do the same and pile everything in front of me on. 

Food has never tasted so good. 

After a while I can't eat anything more and so I sit back in my chair. Igor is still eating but he's also on his phone now. I'm surprised he let me eat so much to be honest because of his prior comment about how I was so fat. I mean I know I'm not skinny but I also know I'm not fat and even if I was that isn't even a bad thing.

"Igor?" I ask 

"Yes my beautiful fiancé" he says glancing up at me then back at his phone 

"For our wedding, I was wondering if I could pick out my own dress? I have always loved this wedding dress shop in London and I think I would look amazing in one of their dresses. I could fly over and go shopping and be back within two days?" I ask, it's a stretch I know but I'm not that creative

"No. You will wear a traditional Russian wedding dress" He replies bluntly 

"Oh okay, cool" I say and look down at my food feeling defeated

After about another ten minuets of him staring at his phone I try to speak again 

"I'm really sorry how I acted before, when we went to see my friends. It's just that I really miss them and I don't want to see them hurt. I was wondering if you could let them go? I promise I won't try to run away or anything, you have all been really nice to me"

"No. Now shut up" Igor says again incredibly bluntly

I go back to staring at my plate. My plan isn't working out too well currently. 

"Come with me" Igor finally says and walks out of the room, I follow him through the pent house to another room, it's filled with surveillance

"Sit" he says and I sit in the chair next to him 

He starts typing on the laptop and up comes a video of me in my bedroom with the girls who were helping me get ready, my heart starts beating 

"What is this?" I ask panicked

"Just watch" he replies 

He increases the volume at the point when I reached down to take the heels off and I can hear myself say 'Do you want to be here? Will you help me get out?' to Freya. 

"This is why I won't let your friends go" He says bluntly, "Now leave, Dasha is waiting outside for you" 

I walk out of the room to the elevator as fast as I can, I need to come up with something smarter, something Igor won't see coming...

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