Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Please COMMENT and vote:)

The kiss is pleasant at the very best. No toe curling or fireworks. Nothing within me is ignited except guilt; pure, unadulterated guilt.

He'll never forgive me.

Ollie blinks in shock as he pulls away. I assume its from my surprise attack.

"I guess I'll need to buy a new phone then." Ollie chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck. However, the usual vigour he incorporates into his laugh is not there. If any, its seems a lackluster and apathetic attempt to make everything seem normal.

"Sorry about that." I reply, sitting back on my knees. Ollie's attention is immediately caught.

"Don't say that." He says, picking his hand up into mine. "Never be sorry for that Ana." He leans in and pecks my lips again.

My cheeks flame.

The wind begins to whistle, concealing the silence between us. I see now why the match system is so successful. Ollie is perfect. Not for me, but for Ana. The sun shines down on him from above, illuminating his blond air to the point where he does truly look like an angel. His tanned skin and carefree smile fit well with the image.

Charm, good looks, love and wealth. Ana has done well. But his behaviour towards myself has never been quite up to the same standard. Am I really that much of a threat to him? Does that justify his behaviour at my wedding to both myself and my parents? It is obvious that he is not prepared to share. Yet that may be his only flaw.

Ollie sighs.

"We should probably go back; dinner will be served in a few hours and I have some work to do beforehand."

"You go. I want to stay in the sun a little longer."

"I can't just leave you here." Ollie replies firmly.

"Octavia is here. Could she stay?"

"I'm not sure. I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable with only limited security personnel no matter how much you say you'll be fine. You know that we're always going to be at risk." Ollie frowns.

"I'm sure both Octavia and I can inflict a little damage." I reply with a smile. He thinks for a moment and heaves a sigh.

"Ok but make sure youre back in time for dinner. Grandpa has returned and will be dining with us tonight." Ollie says.

I swallow nervously, feeling my skin begin to prickle. The wind seems to chill. I've just been able to let my guard down and now...he's back. The person I need to confront.

"Are you alright? You've just paled about five shades whiter." Ollie comments.

I struggle to retain my composure. "I'm fine, its just the wind."

Ollie immediately shrugs out of his woollen cardigan and lays it around my shoulders. I pull it more tightly around my body so it cocoons me within its warmth. He reaches into his pocket and brings out a pair of dark sunglasses and slips them on. Without his lively blue eyes, he becomes a member of the intimidating caste that I had always feared. The godly looks of sun-kissed blond hair, ice blue eyes, a smile that would eradicate the willpower of any woman combined with the dark jeans and combat boots disguise the true angel within.

However, it seems that not everyone's true character can be hidden so effectively. And that person is going to be dining with Ollie and I tonight.

Ollie leans down and kisses my forehead briefly.

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