Chapter 26

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I am so sorry for how long this took...once again things have been craaaaazzzyyy busy.

This book is coming to an end so two or three more chapters maybe.

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Thank you for 30k you awesome people!

I awake feeling rejuvenated and energetic for the first time in what seems like forever. I exhale heavily, feeling somewhat contented. That is what puzzles me? After weeks of being so very miserable, why do I feel so at ease?

I think hard, frantically trying to remember some key concept to try and link everything together. How did I get from storming out of Grayson's office, practically frothing at the mouth with rage to such an aura of peace.

My breath catches in my mouth as the recollections of last night begin to fall into place. If it even did happen. And thats why I have to confirm now. The second my eyes open is where my life begins to piece itself back together or...a cold shiver runs up my back. For some reason, I need last night to have been real. For both my own sanity and for the promise it brings.

That is why I am afraid to open my eyes.

So instead of facing reality, I try and touch it. When my fingers trace the space beside me where my mattress should be, I feel the thin cotton material and warmth beneath me. I shift my body slightly and feel a firm hold on my waist tighten. I can't help but allow the smile to creep onto my lips; my cheeks almost hurt.

He is here.

"Why are you smiling?" Gray asks huskily.

"You're still here." I reply sleepily, opening my eyes slowly. I hadn't released quite how close he was to me until my eyes are locked on his. However, the coolness within his eyes immediately puts me on my guard and to my disappointment, it also diminishes my previous state of ectasy.

"I told you I would stay."

"Last night wasn't a dream then?"

"No." Grayson replies stiffly. He sighs heavily. "I should go."

"Can you not stay a little longer?" I ask hopefully as he sits up, causing me to slide off of him and back onto the mattress. I shiver as his body warmth is stolen from me.

"I shouldn't." He says, slipping on his boots and knotting the laces.

My mouth begins to dry in terror...this is it. I no longer feel happy but panicked. I don't want him to leave...why the hell did I agree to this last night. I scramble up into a cross legged position debating the thought of pinning him to the floor until he agrees to stay.

As if he senses my relunctance to allow him to leave, Gray sits back down on the bed, the mattress sinking dangerously close to the ground. He cradles my face with his palm.

Number 5जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें