Chapter 5

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Cold bony fingers poke into the skin on my shoulder, rousing me from my sleep. My eyes open and I sit up, startled by the rude awakening. I still feel so tired...

"Excuse me Miss." A young girl says from my bedside, her hands held in front of her stomach. She looks somewhat frightened. I wonder why? "The Master is waiting for you."

The Master. I gasp with horror. The dinner! Grayson told me not to be late. The girl begins to retreat back towards the door.

"Wait." I call. "Please tell me what the time is."

"It is 6:30 miss." A small frown appears on her face. "The Master does not look happy; I advise you to hurry."

As she says this, I close my eyes and groan. I'm in so much trouble. Guess I'm already fulfilling mum's wish to give him hell...and possibly to give Grayson a chance. I throw the covers off myself and leap out the bed, scanning frantically for a comb. I feel an odd urge to try and groom myself no matter how late I am. Perhaps it is better to have combed hair and be delayed rather than dishevelled lagging. I won't deny that after reading mum's letter, I am a little excited to see Grayson again.

I feel a slight burn on my left shoulder. I pull the shoulder of my dress down to see that my brand has slightly lightened in colour from black to grey. My eyes widen in surprise; it is changing already.

I comb through my tangles and skip towards the door. My pulse raises slightly as Grayson's handsome face enters my mind and my cheeks burn. I shouldn't be thinking about a man I just met, match or not. I shake my head with irritation at my own foolishness. A few little words are already blinding my eyes to Grayson's apparent faults that I have beheld.

This causes my hand to falter from opening the door and I feel nervous once more. I sigh to myself. I said I'd give him a chance; I won't go back on my word. I scoop the hair from behind my shoulders to frame my face and open the door.

Standing on the ledge, I see Grayson pacing up and down the stretch of the oak table. His fists are locked as his chest rises and falls heavily. The girl was right, he is mad.

"She is here." The girl from earlier's voice echoes around the cave. Grayson's eyes snap up to meet mine immediately and I feel as if I'm cemented where I stand. His eyes rake over me fiercely. I suddenly don't feel so confident about spending dinner with Grayson. Making my way slowly down the stairs, his eyes never leave me. It only heightens my anxiety as I approach the dining table. The fine spread of food fills my senses with a homely feel yet the mood is soured by Grayson's clouded eyes.

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