Chapter 28 pt. ii

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I was going to be a mean person with this chapter but then I decided Grayson and Elle needed a bit of TLC.

Thank you so much for all of the recent support on all of my works. The only little problem I have is a few VERY picky people. I really appreciate and understand that you are trying to help but these are MY works.


Sorry for the rant but yeah. Really glad everyone is enjoying the plot so much and if you actually read that^ I apologise and I'm seriously impressed (I didn't think anyone did)


I braid my hair loosely down my back while Ana dusts a little makeup across my eyes. I keep my eyes closed, trying not to sneeze as I breathe in some of the powder. When I hear the sound of the make up case click closed, I exhale in relief and open my eyes.

"There, you look perfect." Ana says, placing her wash bag back onto the bedside table. "Isn't it wonderful when a commendation of your beauty is also an indirect compliment to myself as well?"

I smile at my sister, but feel too anxious to think of something witty to reply with. My stomach is knotted and I feel slightly nauseous, especially after the doughy bread selection Ana forced me to pick from this morning. I try not to let my jitters get the best of me as I hold my hands still.

"Calm down." Ana says firmly, placing her hands on my shoulders so I cannot avert my gaze. "If he loves you, he'll listen."

"This is Grayson though Ana. He never reacts in the way I expect."

"Well how do you expect him to react?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head, fearing the revelation. Though I hope he'd care, I don't expect anything. I know how this will go down.

Ana checks her watch and sighs. "Well you're going to find out now. We need to get a move on unless you want us to be late."

I hesitate, considering the possibility of not turning up. That would be a viable and perfectly acceptable excuse not to face him.

Ana shakes her head. "Don't you dare think about chickening out. I will drag you there if I have to. Remember the Snowball dance."

I roll my eyes, thinking back to our 14 year old selves. Though everyone kept themselves to themselves at school, the Snowball dance was the one event of the year where people became sociable and actually talked to others. However, the next day, the person you were talking to on the night would be a stranger once more. I hadn't wanted to all, but Ana was desperate. We arrived outside the venue and I refused to move. So Ana acted on instinct and quite literally dragged me into the dance. Much to my intense disgust with myself, I'd enjoyed the evening after I overcame my vexation with Ana.

"I'll walk myself."

"I thought you would." Ana grins.

"When do you think I should speak to him?"

"After the meeting. Everyone will be having drinks in his cave and you can speak to him in private there."

I nod in agreement. I haven't been back into Gray's cave since the day I left. It will be odd I think. It feels like tonight will be the first time that I properly return home.

"Come on." Ana says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the door and down the stairs.

Ollie is standing by the couch but his eyes lift and clearly meet Ana's.

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