A Killing Game (part two)

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The sun shone brightly on my skin as I lay in a field of soft green grass, running my fingertips over the blades.

I could hear the wind whooshing through the air faintly, and an occasional bird chirped in the cherry blossom tree I lay under, pink blossoms floating through the air.

I felt at peace with my surroundings, like there was nothing in the world that could harm me.

This really was paradise.

"(y/n)..." a faint voice whispered next to me.

I turned my head and saw violet eyes looking right at mine.

"(y/n)..." Kokichi spoke again, slightly louder than before.

I felt calm with him by my side, laying underneath this tree with me.

"Hi Kokichi," I whispered calmly, smiling a bit.

His mouth turned up into a smile as he leaned closer to me. He gently held my face with his hand as he looked into my sparkling (e/c) eyes.

He inched his way closer, his eyes darting to my lips.

My heartbeat quickened.

I closed my eyes, anticipating his lips on mine.

"(Y/N)!" he suddenly yelled full force, my entire body jolting.

I snapped awake to Kokichi shaking my body with intense strength.

In a panic, I looked around and saw sixteen students, surrounding me in a circle, concern plastered across their faces

I looked at the dreary walls covered in messy greenery, then at the deteriorating, patchy floor.

I was still in the gym.

I was still in this nightmare.

I felt tears prick my eyes.

I looked around frantically for the bears, but they were no longer in sight.

"What happened?" I asked Kokichi, his hands still on my shoulders.

"You fainted," he said, stifling a laugh.

Again? I really need to start drinking more water.

"What did I miss?" I asked, remembering what Monokuma had told us before I lost consciousness.

"Well..." a blonde girl with music note pins in her hair started, kneeling down to Kokichi and I.

She began filling me in on everything that Monokuma had told them, the other students occasionally adding more information.

She told me about the killing game, the class trials, the fact that we're all ultimates, and the first blood perk.

"First blood perk?" I questioned.

"Monokuma said that whoever murders a student first is allowed to leave, no class trial, and no strings attached," a dark brown haired girl with pigtails and red eyes spoke, her voice soft.

A chill sent through my body.

If I had been standing up, I probably would've fainted again.

Anybody in this room could kill anyone...

and it wouldn't matter.

"What do we do?" I said quietly, holding back tears.

I can't trust anyone here.

I turned my gaze to Kokichi's face as he toyed with a red button on his shirt.

Even him.

"The first step is to not panic, we can all stay calm and make it through this together!" the blonde musical girl spoke, her eyes full of hope.

"Like I would trust anyone here.." Ryoma said, everyone looking down at him.

"We should all introduce ourselves and our ultimate talents! If we get to know eachother better, it should be easy to trust each other, right?" the blonde suggested cheerfully, holding the straps of her backpack.

Everyone stayed silent, their eyes shifting to one another.

"Here, I'll go first. My name is Kaede Akamatsu! And I'm the ultimate pianist!" Kaede introduced, a sparkle in her eye.

That explains the music note pins.

The students all still remained silent, but seemed less tense than before.

"How about this," a blue haired girl with glasses said, "Let's split up and explore the building before we all introduce ourselves."

Everyone stared at her in confusion.

"If we find eachother in the hallways, we can introduce ourselves, but I would really appreciate the opportunity to get to know my surroundings better," she suggested, playing with her skirt.

Kaede's mouth turned up into a slight smile.

"That's a good idea! Let's explore first, then later we can all get to know each other," she said, walking towards the gym exit with the blue haired girl.

Everyone followed behind them, suddenly agreeing with the blue haired girl's idea.

Everyone except Kokichi and I, who were still sitting on the floor.

There was silence between us, unsureness filling the air.

"Kokichi?" I suddenly said, playing with my fingers.

"Yes, locker?" he replied, smiling slightly.

I ignored his nickname.

"What do you think is gonna happen to us?" I asked, not making eye contact.

He stayed silent for a second, thinking of his answer.

"(Y/N).." he began, gently grabbing my left hand and intertwining it with his .

My heart skipped a beat.

"I'm going to murder you to get out of here."

I froze, my body refusing to move.

His face was emotionless, his mouth in a straight line.

His purple eyes were dull.

There was silence as he held my hand.

"That was a lie, I'm a coward!" he admitted, laughing and letting go of my hand.

I punched his arm, pissed off.

"HEY! What was that for?!" he asked as I got up and started walking to the exit.

I stayed silent as I walked, mad at him.

My head started to feel light as I got closer to the door.

Sh*t, I stood up too fast.

I felt myself starting to go down again, but I fell back into Kokichi's arms.

I looked at him, still angry at his remark from earlier.

"Looks like you're gonna need me to stick around, Mrs. lightheaded," he said, still holding me up.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Whatever," I whispered, Kokichi helping me stand.

He and I exited the gym together, a newfound friendship beginning to form.

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