A Killing Game (part one)

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Some time had passed and Kokichi and I had started introducing ourselves to the unique people around the room.

This was list of names I had gathered so far:

Miu Iruma

Angie Yonaga

Rantaro Amami

Kirumi Tojo

Gonta Gokuhara

Tenko Chabashira

Shuichi Saihara

and Ryoma Hoshi, the smallest boy I had ever met.

I still had a few more people to meet, when suddenly the entire gym-like room began to shake around me.

Everyone stopped to look around, but what we saw was far different from anything we could've thought of.

An army of massive robots were descending from the ceiling, quickly surrounding all of us.

I looked around for an exit, but there were none in sight.

We were all trapped, terrified of what was to come.

Is this where it all ends?

We had already gone through so much, and now we were here, surrounded by robots that could crush us beneath their feet in an instant.

They shuffled even closer, forcing us to huddle in a group.

I quickly grabbed a random hand, needing some form of comfort.

When the hand squeezed back, I looked to the side to see who it was.

It was Rantaro.

His green eyes looked calm, despite impeding death coming for us.

'He seems like a kind soul. It's a shame I didn't get to befriend him before our demise.' I thought.

Just as I begin to articulate my final words, the robots stopped in their tracks, inches away from us.

A maniacal laugh emitted from one of them, the biggest robot in the group.

An opening appeared at the top of the robot, and a half black, half white, stuffed bear leaped out of it, landing perfectly on the ground in front of us, still cackling.

Scared, I grabbed Rantaro's hand even tighter.

He squeezed back comfortingly, looking me in the eyes.

I looked the other way and saw Kokichi.

Not staring at the eccentric bear, but at Rantaro and I's linked hands.

He had a blank expression, and when he made eye contact with me he quickly looked away, towards the bear, his expression changing to confusion.

"Welcome students!" the half and half bear suddenly yelled, it's high pitched voice echoing through the large room.

Silence fell throughout the group. Nobody knew quite what to say, or what to believe.

"Would anyone like to guess why I have brought you lovely people here today?" it spoke again, folding its arms.

This bear is what brought me here?

A small, fuzzy, weak armed, STUFFED bear, is what brought me here.

I really need to work on my arm muscle.

"HellooOOo? Anybody home?" the bear asked after earning no response.

"What the hell are you?" a voice abruptly yelled from the middle of the group.

Everyone turned to look at who spoke, and saw a sharp, purple haired boy with a soul patch, his face plastered with disbelief.

Purple Eyed Poison (Kokichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now