First Blood

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A few days had gone by; and Kokichi and I had kept our word, secretly going to the hidden wildflower field every afternoon.

We would sit and chat for hours about our pasts, how school used to be, how we discovered our talents, our favorite things, and generally just get to know each other better.

However, we hadn't had another sleepover since the first night, instead opting to see each other first thing in the morning.

"If anyone gets targeted here, it's gonna be me," he reasoned, "I don't want to endanger you too."

I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I really missed the feeling of waking up to Kokichi. I missed his arms around me, I missed his warm breath tickling my neck as he slept, I missed his scent.

I missed him.

I refused to tell him that though, because the last thing I wanted to do was make my one friend uncomfortable. Even if he had kissed my forehead and called me pretty, I was sure he didn't have a crush on me.

I mean, you can think someone is attractive without having feelings for them, right?

Despite my inner conflict with my feelings, Kokichi and I had gotten a lot closer since the start of this endeavor. We would never leave each other's side during the day, and only parted at night, and I felt safer that way.

Things were starting to feel alright.

On an unrelated note, no students had made any progress on escape attempts, or opening the talent rooms. It seemed that everyone was stuck, unsure of what to do next.

Until one day at breakfast, Monokuma had fueled the first blood perk.

"I'm getting very bored of watching you kids live in harmony," he stated, appearing out of nowhere.

We all stared at him in confusion, continuing to eat the lovely breakfast Kirumi prepared.

"So..." he began, aggression evident in his voice, "if someone doesn't end up dead in two days, you'll all be punished!"

The sound of forks against plates ceased.

I choked on my orange juice, my heart dropping at the headmaster's words.

Two days?

"One of you has forty eight hours to beat, drown, bludgeon, slice, dice, or maul a classmate, or it's bye-bye to all of you!" he cheerfully spoke, his face red with excitement at the thought of murder.

The room's air was thick with uncertainty, every student's eyes frantically shifting to look around at one another.

None of us could be sure that we were safe.

I turned my eyes to Kokichi, his violet ones returning my gaze. Either of us could be next.

"That's all students! Happy killing!" Monokuma cheered, phasing back into thin air.

The dining hall that had once been full of lively chatter and happiness, was now stark silent. Everyone was on edge, realizing that someone was going to die in two days, whether it be one or all of us.

"Guys, please don't panic!" Kaede voiced, abruptly standing from her chair, "We're going to find a way out of here. Nobody has to die, I promise."

Silence followed her hopeful statement, along with Shuichi standing up next to her.

"Kaede and I will figure a way out of this. Don't make any frantic decisions just yet," he promised, Kaede gently smiling at his words.

Kokichi rolled his eyes and groaned, taking an unexpected stand.

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