The ultimates

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(above is the outfit i picture u in but feel free to make up one u like more)

I glanced around the dimly lit room at all the new faces, unsure of how to feel.

There were so many teenagers here, all of different heights, eccentric hair colors, and wardrobes.

There wasn't any sort of pattern; they were all just a ton of confused, diverse, high school students.

And the boy and I must have been the last ones to arrive.

"There's two more!" the black haired girl with the green hair ribbon spoke, pointing at us.

Suddenly all eyes were on us, studying our every feature.

We didn't look intimidating at all, with the boys clean, rainbow buttoned uniform, and my big brown sweater, buckle shoes, and plaid school skirt.

The purple boy turned to me, gaining my attention.

"How bad do you think it would be if we left? I'm not the biggest people person," he teased, winking at me.

I didn't reply.

"Where did you guys come from?" a brown skinned girl with white hair spoke, stepping towards us.

I cleared my throat, debating on whether I should answer. After all, I had never met anyone here before, so why should I trust any of them?

Letting my curiosity win me over, I chose to answer the students' questions.

"Well, I woke up in a locker, found this boy, and then we were chased by a massive robot all the way to this room. Sound familiar?" I asked, unsure of what to think.

"Quite!" she spoke with an accent, "Except the only person with me was Atua. Praise be his name!"

"Oh god, it's a cult." the purple haired boy sighed, pushing his hair back.

I lightly punched his arm, forcing him to stay quiet.

"This not cult," a massive, suit clad boy said, "Gonta not crazy."

"Yeah, if i were in a cult with these people, I think i'd go f**king insane," voiced a pink haired girl with inventor goggles on her head.

All these students sounded friendly enough, but I didn't let myself feel comfortable around them. They very well could've been the ones who brought me here.

Well, me and the purple haired boy.

Who's name I still didn't know.

"Before we get any further into this mass introduction," I spoke, turning to the purple boy by my side, "If you don't mine me asking, what's your name?"

He looked me in the eye, smirking at the familiar dialogue.

"My name is Kokichi Ouma. What about you, locker?" he questioned, playfulness in his eyes.

Kokichi. His name rolled right off the tongue. I let out a small laugh, happy to finally know his name.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you Kokichi," I greeted, holding out my hand to shake.

He looked down at my hand, and back up to meet my (e/c) eyes.

"It's not a pleasure to meet you (y/n)," he admits, shaking my hand.

I frowned slightly, and he pulled me gently by my hand so he could whisper in my ear.

"That was a lie."




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