Talent Reveal

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Kokichi and I had begun to explore the unfamiliar hallways together, opening strange doors, examining strange flowers, and marveling at how big the building was.

"Why would a building like this just be abandoned?" I asked, touching some overgrown ivy on the walls.

"It was probably a building where cults gathered and made sacrifices or something," he replied nonchalantly, kicking a small rock he found in the grass..

I turned to him, annoyance apparent on my face.

"That's not even a lie! It's just what I think," he stated.

"Maybe... it was like a private school. And all the students that went here mysteriously disappeared one day, so they shut the place down, never to open it again," I spoke, imitating a ghost story.

"oOoOo i'm SO on edge," Kokichi said sarcastically as we turned a corner.

"BOO!" the pink haired inventor girl we had met earlier yelled, startling us as we entered the hallway.

Kokichi quickly shrieked and sprinted the other way, down the hallway we had just explored.

I stayed put, watching as he ran.

"Hi Miu," I greeted blankly, turning back to face her.

"S'up," she greeted back, a grin on her face.

I could hear Kokichi walking back as we talked.

"Hey, you never told me your ultimate talent, did you?" I questioned, watching her wipe her goggles on her shirt.

"You're right! I had no idea anyone else was an ultimate. I thought I was the f**king special one of the bunch," she admitted.

"You're special alright..." Kokichi trailed off, finally standing next to me again.

"Anyways, I'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history!" she started.

Kokichi rolled his eyes.

"I'm the one, the only, the legendary ultimate inventor herself, Miu Iruma!" she finished, smiling.

"Inventor huh? Name every single invention," Kokichi stated, looking bored.

Miu's face changed to one of anger.

"Listen you little sh*t, I've done so many cool things you never could've accomplished in your life. You look like the ultimate dumba**, so i don't need a WORD out of you," she yelled, storming off.

"Wait Miu!" I said.

But she was already out of sight.

"Kokichi why the hell would you say that? We can't be on bad terms with anyone here!" I scolded, walking farther down the hallway.

"Why can't we be on bad terms? Having enemies can be fun," he admitted, catching up to me.

"Because here, our enemies can try and KILL us." I said, my body tense.

"Nobody has the balls to kill us (y/n), we're terrifying," he said confidently as we walked.

I looked down at my clothes, and back up at Kokichi.

"Well I'm certainly not terrifying..." I said, playing with the hem of my skirt.

"Well I am. And I don't think I'm gonna leave your side anytime soon. You aren't the worst person to be here with," he said, the last part quiet.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah yeah, that's where the 'that's a lie,' comes in," I said, looking down at my buckle shoes.

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